What Time To Put The Child To Bed

What Time To Put The Child To Bed
What Time To Put The Child To Bed

In the life of a small child, not only healthy nutrition is of great importance, but also the correct daily routine and regimen, therefore, you need to put your baby to bed at the same time every day.

What time to put the child to bed
What time to put the child to bed

What time to prepare the child for bed

The duration of a child's sleep depends on age - from 18 hours for the first two months; up to 10 hours at night and 2 hours during the day from 3 to 7 years. Naturally, each family has its own wake-up time, which, moreover, can vary, and the child should be laid down when he has the right time for a full sleep. For example, if the family is going to wake up tomorrow at 7, the five-year-old must be put to bed no later than 9 pm.

It should be borne in mind that sleep rates for a child are approximate. That is, you should not make him sleep and especially wake him up before he woke up.

The norms are only a guideline for parents.

The child should be put to bed when no noisy events are foreseen in the family - reception of guests, etc. The disturbed sleep of the baby is difficult to restore. Before going to bed, it is advisable to at least briefly inspect the child's room - are there any things that you may need, and, having gone for which, you risk disrupting the child's sleep.

It is important to make sure that all the usual affairs of your child are done before bedtime - if a child, put to bed, remembers that he did not do something urgent and necessary for him, it will be difficult to dissuade him and difficult to put him to bed again.

It is advisable not to lay an adult over 7 years old, a child before sunset, so as not to disrupt his natural biorhythms.

It is important for parents to know the signs of fatigue, drowsiness in a child, and when these signs appear, it is better to lay the baby down immediately, without bringing him to overwork.

It is important that any active activity - outdoor games, meeting new people, etc., falls on the first half of the day.

How to lay your baby

The ritual of going to rest is almost obligatory - the child should know that the time for sleep is approaching. It can be a calm evening walk, a discussion with the child about the outcome of the day - “what we have done today, what have we learned today”, and it is important to try not to point out negative incidents, a dinner that the child should take as the last meal today, a bedtime story, a mandatory farewell kiss and wish good night.

Long before bedtime, about 2 hours, it is advisable not to involve the child in outdoor games, more useful are quiet, board, developmental ones. TV, even children's programs, before bedtime is undesirable. The tone of conversations with the child already an hour before you put him to bed should be calm, relaxing. The kid must understand that his day is drawing to a close.
