When a child lives according to the regimen, gets up and lies down at the same time, problems with sleep most often do not arise. But if your family leads an active lifestyle, often travels somewhere or loves unexpected outings, sometimes it may be necessary to quickly put the child to bed, and not always at the usual time.

The easiest way is to put a nursing baby to bed, up to 3-4 months, the main thing that he needs is warmth and satiety. Feed the baby well, hold it upright (you don't want him to wake up in half an hour!). To let the air out, wiggle a little, pressing your tummy to you. Then place it on a diaper or towel and wrap it up tighter. It is not necessary to know how to swaddle - just close the handles so that they are pressed against the body. If you are against swaddling, after the baby falls asleep, just gently unfold it.
Each parent decides for himself whether his child needs a dummy, but the fact remains - with it the child falls asleep much faster. Press the baby close to you so that his nose is almost buried in your chest or armpit and shake him in your arms - you will see how the eyes close by themselves.
It is even more effective to put the baby to bed in a stroller. Smooth motion sickness quickly tires the baby and he falls asleep. Strollers with soft shock absorbers are especially comfortable - try changing the pace and direction of the swing in search of the best. There are also special centers with different modes of motion sickness.
It is more difficult to put an older baby to bed. Fresh air works well, especially in winter or off-season. Open all the windows and wrap the child warmly so that the desire to get out and run will disappear by itself. A warm bath is very soporific. Pour in warm water and seat the child. As the water cools down, add hotter water (but so that the child does not feel discomfort). In a warm bath, babies immediately begin to yawn, and after getting into bed, they quickly fall asleep.
After two years, connect persuasion and fairy tales. A calm story about forest animals, children, good heroes will appeal to a child, especially if it becomes part of the evening ritual. Try not to mention wolves, babu-yaga, evil wizards, even if the child likes them. You can promise something attractive in the future, just so that the baby does not get too excited. To put your child to bed quickly, give him a favorite toy, even a toy car or a robot, and tell him that she also wants to sleep.