The problem of putting a child to bed is familiar to many parents. It is sometimes difficult to solve it, but it is possible.

Mom is near
After putting the child to bed, sit with him. The closeness of the mother, especially for the baby, is very important. You can read a book to your child, even if he still does not understand anything at all, as well as sing a song or swing in your arms. Do not abuse the latter, otherwise the baby will subsequently not be able to fall asleep without swaying.
We make concessions
Quite often, children are afraid of the dark or cannot sleep with the door closed. Buy a night light in a funny design for the nursery and let your baby sleep with the door open. Over time, all these fears will pass and the baby will fall asleep calmly.
Evening ritual
Give your child a bedtime ritual. Make it a rule to play games with your child in the evening, only they should be calm. Excessive activity before a night's rest is highly undesirable. Give your baby a sage, mint, lavender, or motherwort bath. Then use the first method. This ritual must be performed every evening - that is why it is a ritual.
I will definitely be back
Promise your child to come back in ten minutes and be sure to come back. Pet your baby, straighten his blanket. If he is still awake, tell him that you will come to him in twenty minutes. Most importantly, the promise must be kept!
Strong nerves
Many parents are faced with the following situation: after going to bed, the child begins to scream heart-rendingly. It is important not to follow his lead! Do not enter the room for five minutes, no matter how the baby cries. After entering it, calmly put the child to sleep again. Now you can only come back in ten minutes. Every day the interval between "calls" must be increased. Soon you will see how your child falls asleep calmly without any tantrums.