How To Put Your Baby To Sleep During The Day

How To Put Your Baby To Sleep During The Day
How To Put Your Baby To Sleep During The Day

Sometimes a seemingly simple task - putting a child to bed - turns out to be a real challenge for parents. But this must be done. No matter how cheerful, active and mobile the child may be, his unstable nervous system needs proper rest, and sleep is the best way for this. To facilitate this difficult everyday procedure, you should adhere to simple but effective rules.

How to put your baby to sleep during the day
How to put your baby to sleep during the day

How to lay a baby

For babies who are barely a few months old, naps are vital, as are food and mother's immediate care. It is possible to understand that the baby wants to sleep by external signs, he becomes less active, rubs his eyes, touches his ears, yawns. Not always the child can fall asleep on his own, because the body of the newborn still "does not understand" how to relax. To put the baby to bed calmly and without tears, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for him in which he will feel protected. It is not for nothing that they say that the first three months of a newborn's life is the fourth trimester of pregnancy, therefore, by approximately repeating the conditions in reality, as in the mother's tummy, you will quickly calm the baby down, he will fall asleep.

First of all, the room should have a comfortable temperature, about 23-25 ° C, the baby should be full, in dry diapers or diapers. Note that there should not be absolute silence in the room, because the child heard various sounds in his stomach, and first of all, the voice of his mother. When putting your child to bed, you can hum a quiet lullaby to him or talk to him monotonously.

Relaxing sounds, such as the sound of the forest or the surf, or the so-called "white noise", which can be easily recreated using ordinary household appliances, also have a good calming effect (the whirring of a hairdryer or the sound of a vacuum cleaner is good). Well relax and calm the nervous system of babies by stroking the back and on the head, a light massage or a warm bath with succession. But it so happens that these laying methods do not work properly, and something else needs to be done. It is possible to "lull" a newborn to sleep with the help of motion sickness on the hands, in a crib, cradle or on a pillow.

Methodical gentle swaying also returns the baby to the conditions where he was for a long nine months, which were created by the mother when walking and moving. If the weather is warm, suitable for walking, then a day's sleep can be organized there. It has been noticed that small children fall asleep very quickly and deeply in the fresh air, with the smooth movement of the stroller.

How to put a 2-year-old child to bed

It has been proven that a child's daily routine is formed only after the first year of life, and sleep, as before, occupies an integral part of it. To facilitate laying, you need to create a kind of ritual that will always accompany this procedure. It can be anything: stroking or light rubbing of the back, a warm bath, a fairy tale or a glass of kefir. The main thing is that these actions should be done every day, without amendments for weekends and holidays, and then the effect will not be long in coming. In a few months, daytime sleep will cease to be a punishment for the baby, but will be a kind of break, after which a lot of games and entertainment awaits him.

Sleep for preschool children

Should a child be put to sleep at the age of 5-6? If earlier rest during the day was vital and necessary, now, when the child's psyche has already learned to gradually cope with emotions and shocks, daytime sleep becomes an episodic phenomenon. If your child is actively involved in sports or is very mobile, then sleep will still be a good way to restore physical and emotional strength. If during the day, the baby does not show significant activity, then quiet calm games, reading a book or drawing will help restore his emotional balance.

Do not forget that the correct lifestyle of your child is the key to a healthy, full sleep.