Unfortunately, love is not always happy and easy. Many people, having gained this feeling, are faced with many insurmountable obstacles, and not all of them find the strength to endure everything and not lose the ability to love.

Examples of love in spite of
To love in spite of it means to love in spite of everything, in spite of any difficulties and obstacles. Each specific situation may have its own characteristics, but the most common examples of love in spite of it can be identified.
For example, a girl and a guy fell in love with each other passionately at first sight, they got married, began to live happily, they had children. After several years of family life, a terrible tragedy happens: the husband gets into an accident, becomes permanently disabled, chained to a wheelchair. The life of a married couple is changing radically, now the woman performs the functions of the head of the family, it is very difficult for her: physically and mentally. Compassionate friends and relatives advise a woman to find another husband for herself, but she cannot take this step, her family is only becoming stronger and more united every year.
What saves such a family from destruction? The fact that despite all the difficulties, the woman loves her husband as much as before. Of course, someone might say that she is just sorry to leave him. But on pity alone, not a single family will last long, for this something more is needed, namely love.
A vivid manifestation of love, in spite of it, can also be observed if a family is created by people confined to wheelchairs. In spite of everything, they believe in love and can share this feeling with each other. Sometimes children are born in such families, which once again proves their right to love in spite of everything.
Unrequited love, lasting for years, is also a feeling that cannot succumb to the arguments of a cold and common sense. A person understands that it is impossible to love this way, that it will not bring him anything but suffering. However, in spite of everything, he continues to experience this feeling despite the lack of reciprocal love, the arguments of friends and acquaintances, despite his own suffering and mental pain.
How strong is love in spite of?
The strength of such love depends on the person experiencing this feeling. Someone gives up at the very first difficulties, justifying their weakness for some reason. In this case, it can be assumed that there was no love at all, that the feeling did not stand up to a serious test, tests. This often happens if a person is used to loving another for something, for example, for his success, wealth, etc. But all these values are transient, and when another person loses what he was loved for, he loses love itself.
If love for another person is not tied to his wealth, success, etc., then in the most difficult life situations it will not disappear anywhere, but will only intensify, manifest itself even more and become a vivid example of a wonderful feeling that exists in spite of all misfortunes and adversities. …