Nine months of carrying a baby is a wonderful period in the life of a family. But intimacy during such a period is not recommended for every expectant mother. What determines whether or not you can have sex during pregnancy?

It is important to understand that the main goal of a woman is not just to give birth to a healthy child, but also to be happy. The smile, the joy of the mother is passed on to the baby. Therefore, you should not deny yourself the pleasures, if the doctor has not forbidden it. At the first consultation, clarify whether it is possible specifically for you to continue your sex life, and until when all this is available.
For whom is sex contraindicated?
If twins or triplets are planned, then it is better to refuse sex. Premature birth is common in these situations, and sex stimulates the uterus. It is better not to risk it, but to wait for birth.
If there are any sexually transmitted diseases, then sex is prohibited. Situations are different, whether you got infected during gestation or earlier - it doesn't matter. It is important to heal completely, and closeness even with condoms does not contribute to this.
If bleeding and discharge of an unknown type began, then it is better not to risk it. In this case, the ban is not critical, consult a doctor, he will determine the cause of the problem, and say what is possible and what is not.
Placenta previa or its low location is also a reason to be careful. This is shown by an ultrasound scan, therefore, after the first examination, the doctor will explain everything. At the same time, there is no complete prohibition on intimate relationships, you just need to be more tender, as bleeding may occur.
The ban may be for those who experienced miscarriages before the current pregnancy. At the same time, the doctor draws up a schedule when sex is very dangerous. This is usually the time of your period, and this is when you should not put your baby at risk.
Before giving birth for 2-3 weeks, you should refrain from love joys. Indeed, in the process, a hormone is produced that can stimulate the contraction of the uterus, and labor will begin ahead of schedule.
Features of sex during pregnancy
Carrying a baby is a complex process. At the same time, various diseases of the microflora, for example, candidiasis, are often exacerbated. To prevent this from happening, use barrier methods of contraception.
Monitor your well-being. During and after intimacy during pregnancy, there should be no pain. A pulling sensation in the lower abdomen is a bad sign. It is also worth choosing poses in which it will be convenient for the woman. Many pregnant women avoid those combinations where the penetration is very deep.
During this touching period, the woman experiences great hormonal changes, and the uterus is saturated with blood. Thanks to this, the woman begins to experience more vivid sensations, it becomes possible to get multiple orgasms or even jet. This is the period when sensitivity opens up most powerfully.