How Many Times A Week Should You Have Sex?

How Many Times A Week Should You Have Sex?
How Many Times A Week Should You Have Sex?

The question of which sexual appetite is considered the norm, and which pathology, worries many. Someone wants it too often, but someone is quite satisfied with once a month. It is no secret that the desired frequency of intercourse depends a lot on temperament and health.

How many times a week should you have sex?
How many times a week should you have sex?

How much sex should there be

The very first thing to learn when trying to determine if your sexual needs are normal is that each person is different. Someone needs several times a day, while others will need many times a week. In addition, this parameter changes. The norm for you personally can be considered the amount of sex that is most comfortable for you. It is best to identify it at a time when you are healthy and not under the influence of stress. By the way, falling in love or starting a relationship, when the sexual appetites of both partners are increased, can also be considered a kind of stress.

Nevertheless, a variety of sources are trying to authoritatively answer this burning question about how often to have sex. For example, the Talmud - the holy book for Muslims - claims that twice a week is enough. A considerable part of sexologists agree with this. Another part thinks that it is normal - 5 times a week.

Be that as it may, competent doctors say that men should not wear out the body and overwork, wanting to demonstrate their prowess to their partner and have several sexual acts per night. There is a risk of overwork, and in this condition, both mental and physical abilities deteriorate. As long as intercourse ends with ejaculation, it can be considered normal. But if there is no seed, then it means that you have overdone it, and if it is less than usual, then this also hints that it is time to rest. Meanwhile, neither abstinence nor excessive passion for sex are beneficial for the body.

Additional factors

The level of sexual attraction to the opposite sex in humans changes with age. For someone closer to maturity, this process is very noticeable, while for others there is practically no difference with the times of youth.

It has also been confirmed by research that people in southern countries have a hotter temperament than people in northern countries, and they need sex more often.

Not so long ago, psychologists found out another interesting point. It turns out that modern people who are passionate about careers, business, creativity or something else need sex much less than those who are not seriously engaged in anything. This process is also called sublimation, when sexual energy is transformed and released through another channel.

Sexologists report that regular sex life has a very positive effect on people's health, but add that only if you have sex with your loved one.
