The amount of food for a month old baby depends on many factors. First of all, this is influenced by the type of feeding the baby. It is also necessary to take into account his well-being and activity.

It is believed that a month-old baby should eat about 600 g per day of milk or formula. This volume should be divided into 5-7 feedings. If the baby is bottle-fed, this is easy to do. And if on the chest?
If the baby is breastfed
This is where the opinions of pediatricians differ. Some believe that it is imperative to purchase special scales. It is necessary to weigh the baby before and after feeding in the same clothes, without changing the diaper. This way you can determine how much milk the baby has eaten. Or another way is pumping. In this case, the baby may stop breastfeeding.
Some babies start to suckle and fall asleep. And waking the baby up, clicking on his nose is very hard for the mother.
Most pediatricians today believe that if a baby is breastfed, then there is no need to worry about how much he ate. Of course, if he is in a good mood and looks healthy.
It so happens that the mother's milk has a bluish tint. This means that milk is low-fat and it is difficult for a baby to get enough nutrients. Then the mother needs to improve her nutrition. Eat more veal or beef, butter, lean pork.
It is important not to overdo it here, so as not to cause allergies in the baby. Also, the mother should rest more between feeds. If you cannot improve the quality of milk, switch to a mixed meal. This should be done gradually, adding 5 ml of the mixture to each feeding and increasing this amount by 5 ml every day.
The nutritional norm for a baby is determined by its weight gain. If in the first month the baby has added from 400 to 1000 g, then there is no reason for concern. Each child and mother has their own norms and volumes. It is important to listen to your mother's intuition and to your baby.
If the baby is bottle-fed
If for some reason the mother does not have the opportunity to breastfeed the baby, then it is imperative to pay attention to how much the baby eats. It is necessary to strictly calculate the required volume of mixture or porridge. This can be done using a simple formula: A multiplied by B. A is the number of days of life and B = 70, if the baby's weight at birth was less than 3200 grams, or B = 80, if ─ more than 3200 grams.
It is not recommended to exceed this volume, as the child's metabolism may be disturbed. In case of malnutrition, the baby will be restless, sleep poorly, which can negatively affect his nervous system.