A sufficient frequency of urination in a newborn may indicate that the baby is receiving as much nutrition as he needs. In this case, it is worth paying attention to such an indicator as the amount of urine excreted and its color.

How many urinations should a baby have in the first days of life
In the first days of life, infrequent urination in babies is the norm. Getting from the aquatic environment into the air, the child's body is rebuilt, a large amount of moisture evaporates from the surface of the skin, so the newborn can not write so often.
Usually, the first urination occurs for the first time within 24-48 hours after birth, which is not a pathology. The child's kidney function is still imperfect, therefore, in the first days of life, urination may be rare. In this case, the urine itself, as a rule, is concentrated.
A small amount of urine excreted is especially characteristic of babies who are breastfed. In the first days of his life, he feeds on fatty colostrum. Already after the arrival of the mother's milk, which contains a sufficient amount of liquid, the amount of urination per day in the child increases significantly.
How many times a day should a newborn write
During the neonatal period, the baby should write 10-12 times in the bitches. In this case, the gender of the child also matters. It is believed that for boys, the norm is at least 12 urinations per day, and for girls - at least 10.
Breastfeeding experts advise young mothers to periodically check how many times a baby has managed to urinate. This is quite easy to do if you give up disposable diapers for a while. In this case, the mother only needs to count the number of wet diapers.
If a newborn pees less often than is prescribed by the norm, and at the same time he is gaining little weight, he does not receive breast milk in the amount that is necessary. Perhaps this is due to a lack of milk, its insufficient fat content, as well as improper grip of the nipple. If the problem cannot be solved, the mother needs to additionally feed the baby with an artificial mixture. But before making such a decision, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician.
Already after the baby reaches six months of age, the amount of urination per day decreases slightly. In this case, the volume of excreted urine, on the contrary, increases. This is understandable, since the baby is already beginning to learn to control this process, and the volume of the bladder becomes larger.
If the number of urinations per day significantly exceeds the established norm, this should be a reason for contacting a doctor. It is also advisable to pay attention not only to how often the baby pees, but also to the color of the urine excreted. Normally, it should have a light yellow tint. Its excessively dark color may indicate certain violations.