Wife or mistress? Many men around the world are asking this question. But a special piquancy is given to him by the fact that the mistress is already pregnant, and the decision to leave his wife has not matured.

Men who have both a wife and a mistress often find themselves in a delicate position when the mistress is expecting a baby, and there has not yet been a divorce from his wife. And it is not even known whether it will be at all. Should you leave your legal spouse for your pregnant girlfriend? There are many aspects to consider here.
Love or habit?
First, take a hard look at your spouse, your marriage. Is there really no love in your relationship, but only routine and habit remained? Perhaps the pregnancy of a mistress is another reason to make sure how important your wife is to you.
Second, consider whether you really need your mistress. After all, meeting and spending some time together is not love at all. If you leave your wife for your mistress, then where are the guarantees that the same routine and habit will not await you in a new marriage? Think about whether you are ready to exchange your usual way of life for a new relationship, which may turn out to be a repetition of old ones.
Third, tell your wife what situation you are in. After all, this also concerns her. A wise and loving spouse will help you figure things out. Of course, your betrayal will please her a little, but such an option is not excluded that your family relations will reach a new level. After all, it was not in vain that you took this particular woman as your wife? It is possible that all other family problems will recede into the background, uniting you in solving such a delicate and delicate issue.
Wife or mistress?
If a pregnant mistress is your beloved and desired woman, and you have been burdened by marriage for a long time, then there can be no questions. You need to leave. New relationships and a new family will bring you joy, and your legal spouse will be able to start a new and happy life.
If you love your wife, and your betrayal was a mistake, then you should not change your spouse for a mistress, even if pregnant. Here it is worthwhile to correctly decide the question of what to do with the baby. The decision to keep it or terminate the pregnancy is not up to you. This is always a woman's business. You need to accept it correctly. If the mistress keeps the baby, and you do not go to her, this does not mean that all responsibility falls off your shoulders. The child is not to blame for the fact that you do not love his mother.
Before deciding whether to leave your wife if your mistress is pregnant, take a close look at both women, at your attitude towards them and their attitude towards you. Hide nothing from both sides, as this delicate problem affects all three. Don't be afraid to hurt and inconvenience with the truth. This is always better than a lie that can come out at the most unexpected and inconvenient moment.