How To Show Initiative In A Relationship

How To Show Initiative In A Relationship
How To Show Initiative In A Relationship

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It is not only men who can and should take the initiative in relationships. It is sometimes difficult for the stronger sex to guess what women want, and because of this misunderstanding, conflicts constantly arise.

How to show initiative in a relationship
How to show initiative in a relationship


Step 1

Women don't need to be afraid to be proactive in relationships. Most men welcome the activity of the weaker sex. Of course, initiative does not mean “jumping” into bed to the first person you meet, but confident positive communication in which a woman is not afraid to express her real thoughts.

Step 2

To be proactive in a relationship, you need to become self-confident. A well-groomed appearance will greatly contribute to this. A slender body, a beautiful hairstyle, light makeup, a smile - these arguments often turn out to be stronger than words, especially at the initial stage of a relationship.

Step 3

Do not be shy about asking a man questions about his relationship with women. This will prompt him to think that he is being considered as a potential partner. He will certainly take an interest in the initiative girl and try to get to know her better.

Step 4

The invitation to a restaurant or a movie does not have to be a man. A woman can say, "I really want to go somewhere, invite me to a cafe." Usually, men easily agree if they are presented with wishes in this way, and do not believe that the woman is trying to manipulate them.

Step 5

It is worth taking the initiative consciously. And be sure that everything will definitely work out and the man will not refuse. And if he refuses, then it will not bring any special emotional experiences.

Step 6

When deciding to take the initiative in something, you should listen to yourself. Does this not cause a desire for rejection? You should never act "through force." A decision made against will is rarely right. Moreover, in the manifestation of initiative, the correct attitude is very important - for a positive answer, which cannot be, the girl is not really confident in herself.
