How To Restore Friendship

How To Restore Friendship
How To Restore Friendship

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Did your relationship deteriorate because of resentment, a stupid quarrel, or simply because a distance has arisen between you? If you really want to restore friendship, take the first step for reconciliation.

How to restore friendship
How to restore friendship


Step 1

Was the disagreement caused by you? Wait a while for both of you to let off steam. This may take a day or a couple of days. Then try to calmly and sincerely ask for an appointment. Do not invite into your house and do not ask for a visit to a friend, it is better to offer to meet for a cup of tea in some quiet place.

Step 2

Don't rush in with an apology as soon as he comes into view. Greet each other politely, place your order, then start talking. Maintain a calm tone and friendliness. If you are too worried, be direct about it. Start the conversation with warm words to a friend, then ask for forgiveness. In a conversation, you will inevitably touch on the subject of a quarrel to one degree or another, try to find a way to resolve it together. As a rule, someone either makes concessions, or if a quarrel arose "from scratch", friends simply forget about it.

Step 3

Don't interrupt each other when trying to reconcile. You should have a constructive dialogue, not another fight. Don't raise your voices. Listen to the interlocutor, draw conclusions. If you disagree with something, choose the "yes, but" principle. It is used to resolve business and personal conflicts. For example, "You have prepared an excellent report, but the third point needs to be redone" or "On this issue you are right, but on another let me disagree with you." At the end of the conversation, be sure to thank each other for their understanding and the opportunity to listen.

Step 4

If a friend does not want to see you, turns off the phone and refuses to make contact, try writing him a letter. It is better to send two messages at once - electronic and "live", handwritten. Of course, these should not be copies, word for word repeating each other. Even if your friend doesn't answer you, you will be honest with yourself that you did the best you could.

Step 5

By the way, letters help to restore friendships that were lost many years ago. Don't start your letter with the trite "how are you?" First, tell us a little about yourself, in places remember your common jokes or words. Explain in the letter why you want to restore the friendship. Do not be demanding, because a person is not obliged to be friends with you just because you want it.
