People tend to fall in love. Guys and girls get to know each other, begin to communicate, feel sympathy for each other. But sometimes ordinary communication drags on for a long time, because guys do not always know when to move on to a closer relationship than just friendship.

Step 1
If you have been in contact with a girl for a long time and want something closer than friendship, you should think carefully about your actions. Some guys are afraid to tell their friend about their feelings, because they think they are not mutual. Nobody wants to be rejected, because it always hits human pride. However, remember that it is better to try to do something and find out what will come of it, than not to dare, and then all your life regretting that you could have done this act, but did not. You may be tormented by the thought that if you told her about your love, you might be together, but instead, you just got cold feet and continued to play friends.
Step 2
If you still decide to confess your feelings to the girl and offer her a relationship, choose the right time and place for this confession. Ask the girl in advance what day she will be free, and what time she would prefer to meet. It is best if you decide to meet in the evening, as it is at this time of day that the atmosphere becomes more romantic.
Step 3
Some guys prefer to take girls out on dates to the movies, to a cafe, or to a restaurant. But none of these places are great for romantic confessions. Choose a place that will not be too crowded, remember that at the moment of recognition, no one should interfere with you, and nothing should distract your companion's attention from you and from your conversation. One of the most romantic and interesting dates is going out into the countryside. Such a date requires a wide flight of imagination from you. You can take with you a warm blanket, bedspread, champagne, glasses, candles, flowers, fruits. Design the meeting place so that your date will be remembered by your girlfriend for a long time.
Step 4
When everything is ready and the girl arrives at the meeting place, start talking to her. You need to prepare her for your confession so she doesn't get too surprised. Whatever answer the girl gives you, in any case, remain polite and benevolent. Even if she refuses you now, perhaps later she will think and change her mind.