How To Be Friends With A Boy

How To Be Friends With A Boy
How To Be Friends With A Boy

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Friendship with a boy is difficult. It is not always clear what he wants. Does the guy feel sincere friendly feelings or has been in love for a long time and expects reciprocity.

How to be friends with a boy
How to be friends with a boy


Step 1

Friendship between a boy and a girl can be very strong. Friends learn to analyze the behavior of the opposite sex, understand how to talk, how to present themselves. But in the process of close communication, the feeling of sincere affection often turns into love. And one of the partners is not ready for such a turn of events.

Step 2

How to be friends with a boy so that he doesn't fall in love? To do this, you need to behave like a kid - run, jump, fight, dress in comfortable trousers and a T-shirt instead of girly dresses and skirts. In addition, you need to control your behavior, do not flirt, do not shoot with your eyes. Then the guy will perceive the girl only as a friend and will not hint at a closer relationship.

Step 3

To grow and strengthen your friendship with the boy, try to understand him. Hear what he has to say about his life. Take an interest in his affairs, provide moral support in difficult situations. This is how real friends behave.

Step 4

You can discuss girls' behavior with a boy friend, but don't give away all the secrets. Also try not to gossip. This is ugly in relation to your mutual acquaintances. If you want to tell something about someone, then it is better to do it in the presence of that third person.

Step 5

Friendship with a boy, on the one hand, is more interesting. You get a lot of information about the opposite sex that you would never get from talking to girls. But at the same time, a guy friend will not give much warmth. He is less sensitive and will not be able to regret when he is sad. You can't discuss girly problems with him, he won't be able to advise anything in a clothing store. A guy friend won't just call every day to chat. But he will always help you fix your computer or carry heavy bags.

Step 6

There are both pros and cons to friendship between the sexes. Therefore, you should not refuse offers of friendship, no matter who they come from. Only after talking will you be able to understand whether this person is “your” or not.
