What Makes A Lady Different From Other Women

What Makes A Lady Different From Other Women
What Makes A Lady Different From Other Women

The appeal of "lady" initially implied that the lady had a title of nobility about origin or marriage, which, in addition to privileges, placed great responsibility on her. Over time, society changed, new formations were created, but women who behave with dignity and possess the qualities of a true lady have always existed.

What makes a lady different from other women
What makes a lady different from other women

A true lady is always disciplined. She knows very well that you cannot demand from others what you don’t do yourself. She holds back from making promises or saying too much. If she made any promise, it will certainly be fulfilled. The lady is not more than a quarter of an hour late for a meeting, but she will not wait longer than this time. Others will not have to be nervous about her mood swings. The lady's behavior is impeccable. For a real lady, appearance is a tribute to those around her. Outwardly, it can be recognized by its posture. She always keeps her back straight. In any circumstance, such a lady sits elegantly. She knows how to conduct a conversation by controlling her voice and emotions. A true lady dresses appropriately for the place and time of day, and does not wear tight or transparent clothing. She does not skimp on bags and shoes and prefers feminine clothes that give her appearance well-being and confidence. In the fashion world, this style of clothing is called "calm classics". A lady always works on herself, trying to maintain clarity and order in everything that is under her control. She is sincerely interested in what is happening around her, does not succumb to apathy. The lady is democratic. However, this should not be confused with promiscuity. A democratic woman is the one who speaks to everyone in a friendly and warm manner, without resorting to slang and free expressions in an effort to speak with everyone in his language. The lady keeps her distance. This is not about arrogance, but about the fact that in the process of communication she avoids getting into ambiguous situations. So, a true lady is educated, educated, knows her own worth, knows how to present herself and leave a good impression about herself. She has a calm demeanor, modest natural speech. The lady never openly despises anyone, feeling tender pity for the ignorant and unlucky.
