8 Proofs That Men And Women - From Different Planets

8 Proofs That Men And Women - From Different Planets
8 Proofs That Men And Women - From Different Planets

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. This is what psychologist John Gray stated in his popular 1994 book of the same name. In it, the famous Englishman talks about such significant differences in the psychology of the sexes that they can well be considered immigrants from different planets.

8 proofs that men and women are from different planets
8 proofs that men and women are from different planets

1. Attitude to problems and difficulties

Each man has his own inner world, a hole or a cave in which he can retire and hide from the whole world. If a man becomes ill, he retires into himself. Sometimes he retires for a long time and at these moments he does not like to be touched or disturbed by the peace inside his "shell". Time will pass, and everything will work out by itself. After that, the man will come out of his inner "cave" and get down to everyday affairs. That's how they work and they like it.

If a woman becomes ill and problems pile up, she gathers around her other women, relatives and friends. Together they can talk for a long time, have fun, or just sit together. And after a while, women get better. This is how they are arranged and they like to live like that.


2. Difference in brain function

In a man, the left and right hemispheres of the brain manifest their activity alternately. When the right hemisphere works, the left brakes. In this case, the blood rushes more actively to the hemisphere that is involved at the moment. This helps a man to concentrate on one task and perform it efficiently. At the same time, men are extremely negative about various kinds of irritants that distract them.

In a woman, both hemispheres often work at the same time. Thanks to this ability, ladies can perceive and analyze simultaneously a large amount of diverse information. Therefore, the fair sex can simultaneously talk on the phone, cook borscht, watch the TV series and look after the child.

A man can usually do all things separately. But, thanks to a deeper concentration on each type of activity, he achieves better results.


3. Understanding logic

Male logic can be compared to the laws of mathematics. There are clear rules in it that cannot be broken. Otherwise, the logical reasoning or the chain becomes illogical. Women "weave" their own feelings into the laws of logic.

According to one professor of mathematical logic, women's logic looks something like this: "If from the statement A follows B, and B is pleasant, then A is true." In other words, the ladies think like this: “If my man has money, then he should buy me a new fur coat. And since a fur coat is very pleasant, it follows that the husband has money."

For men, such a train of thought is absurd by definition, for women it is quite understandable and correct, giving no reason to doubt its falsity. For example, if a man doubts the presence of a soul in people based on the lack of proof of this fact, women are more likely to agree with him. But if he clarifies, women are also considered "soulless" creatures, he will have a hard time.

More than 100 years ago, the scientific community came to the conclusion that male logic is straightforward and takes into account only necessary and important facts and phenomena. Women's logic is almost 100% based on intuition and takes into account thousands and millions of details, even completely extraneous and unnecessary.

Therefore, even from school, it was noticed that boys understand mathematics and exact sciences better, girls - humanitarian subjects. Mathematical logic is very close to male logic. And the female model of logical thinking is more conducive to the assimilation of humanitarian subjects.

An illogical, from a male point of view, the statement or behavior of the ladies, in fact, is subject to strict, but peculiar inferences. Coming to one or another conclusion for itself, the female brain scrolls through all possible scenarios. Aloud, at the same time, the answer only seems to be illogical. In fact, he is the final and only true link in a long chain of lightning-fast reasoning of a particular woman.

4. Men are deeper, and women are more plastic

After a thorough and comprehensive study of male and female intelligence, scientists have identified many differences. Women have better developed visual memory, they tenaciously and accurately notice numerous external and internal differences between objects, facts and phenomena. Male intelligence is more ambitious and promising, focused on clear approaches to the problem.

It is easier for a woman to visually remember the road, for a man - with the help of a map and topographic names. With the ability to focus on goals, men are more likely to make great discoveries. Women are better able to adapt these discoveries to everyday life thanks to their creative development and high perseverance.


5. A woman speaks more often, a man is silent

Australian researchers estimate that the average man speaks about 2,000 words a day, and the average woman speaks about 8,000.

This is because a woman often thinks out loud, choosing words and phrases to express her current emotions and conclusions. Therefore, her speech flows smoothly and continuously, like a wide river, reflecting the thoughts of a woman. At the same time, thoughts can be completely different, and words can be just an external outline for them. That is why men are surprised at how often ladies change their minds and their desires.

Men think silently, concentrating on the task at hand. Superfluous words only distract them. They may not talk for a long time, and at the same time the women around them often think that the man is offended or is not interested in them. Women think in words, so they constantly press on their partners, questioning them, expressing their feelings and even just filling the silence.


6. Men love with their eyes, and women love with their ears

A man, falling in love with a woman, is fascinated, first of all, by her appearance. And only then - to all others. At the same time, a woman is interested in how exactly a man loves her. This can be explained by the fact that a woman needs to be loved for her existence. For men, this is not very important.

According to Freud, it is more difficult for little girls to feel their identity, because they do not have a penis, like boys, or female forms, like a mother. This feature makes her dependent on male desires. But since men are naturally polygamous, women are well aware that men's desires are fickle. Therefore, ladies need to constantly ask their partners: do they like them or not and why.

7. Men are self-sufficient, women need constant development

In the relationship between men and women, the second constantly needs their partner to move forward, develop with her. A man needs to be loved for who he is. If a woman begins to dislike something about him, he begins to doubt her feelings for him or take it as a reproach.

At the same time, when a woman tells her man that they need to go somewhere more often, this does not mean that her man is a stay-at-home. She simply invites him to do something more often together, shows attention to him.

8. Women want a man to anticipate her desires

From a male point of view, if a woman does not ask for anything specific, then she does not need anything. And at this moment she needs a lot from a man, but she is waiting for him to guess everything himself.

Many women, thanks to developed intuition, feel the needs of the people around them. And, to the best of their ability, they satisfy them to the extent that they are capable of it. At the same time, it is believed that men can do the same. And they take offense at them when their partners cannot guess women's desires.
