To build harmonious family relationships, spouses need to work hard on themselves every day. How to develop family relationships correctly?

Step 1
Protect yourself and your family from undue interference from your parents or your spouse's parents. You are absolutely adults and independent individuals, you should only make decisions together. Of course, it's not a shame to ask for advice from elders, experienced people, but in the end you make the decision yourself. Draw a clear line between your family and relatives. This will help avoid many conflicts.
Step 2
Try to find a balance between community and independence. You should not dissolve in each other, everyone should have their own interests, activities, friends. It is also unacceptable when spouses live their own lives, each rest on his own, such a relationship can hardly be called a family. Coexistence should be harmonious, spouses should feel comfortable together and sometimes apart.
Step 3
A harmonious, regular sex life is very important for the formation and maintenance of good relationships between spouses. Remember, it's not the quantity of sex that matters, but the quality. Of course, taking too long breaks negatively affects the sexual sphere of life. Both spouses must be satisfied with the sexual relationship. If something in intimate life does not suit you, it is necessary to delicately explain and discuss problems without hesitation.
Step 4
It is wrong when parents' attention only revolves around children. Remember that you are still husband and wife. Therefore, do not neglect your personal relationships. Show care and attention for each other, spend time together, only together, communication should relate to various topics, and not just everyday problems. Remember, children cannot be happy in a family where parents are unhappy.
Step 5
Learn to quarrel constructively. There is no perfect family relationship when couples avoid all kinds of friction. Do it right. Do not get personal, discuss problems, wrong actions, and not personal qualities of each other. If you lose your temper, leave the room, calm down, you can tell your loved one nasty things that you will regret. Learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness, do not accumulate resentment against each other.
Step 6
Support and care for each other. Especially in difficult situations, the mutual support of the spouses encourages, gives strength, makes the family closer and stronger.