If you ask a family with a child whether the relationship has changed after the appearance of a baby in their life, they will say with full confidence that they have changed. Some psychologists believe that before the birth of the first child, a married couple lives and considers the relationship to be a partnership, and after that - as a family. In real life, everything is different. It is believed that after the "stamp in the registry office" young people create a family, run a common household. When a baby appears, parents, as well as grandparents, are obliged to rally and be partners.

Why is the split happening? Most often, parents are not mentally ready for the appearance of a baby. They rejoice at the appearance of a new family member, but the very next day they face serious problems - they need to become good parents not only in their own eyes, but also in the eyes of those around them. During this period, a young mother who has not adapted to the new conditions is in constant stress. It's not for nothing that they say that young mothers are conditionally adequate.
At first, she is afraid to do something wrong, sometimes she just does not know how to do certain manipulations. Right now, a woman needs psychological and physical support. What happens to a man? He understands that he has become a father, but it is easier for him to imagine that he is playing with a grown-up son / daughter, and he has no idea what to do with the baby.
Seeing the chronically tired and morally devastated woman he loves, he subconsciously blames himself, but, unable to cope with his emotions, moves away. What to do?
So that the family does not collapse in the very first year of your beloved child's life, you need to understand a few simple points:
1. The role of parents is not temporary, you have performed a miracle, therefore you are responsible for it for the rest of your life.
2. It is important for mom to know that the child is your happiness, you do not need to listen to all your friends and relatives. If your child is comfortable sleeping with a pacifier or walking in a diaper, you should not forbid him to do so. As some experienced mothers say: "Not a single child goes to school in a diaper and with a pacifier …"
3. Walk towards each other. Try to share your experiences with your partner and also support each other. It must be remembered that your interests are somewhat different (a man works hard, and a woman learns the delights of motherhood). Remember that all our troubles come from the fact that we do not talk to each other and accumulate problems in our heads. If you make contact, some of the problems will disappear by themselves, and you will better understand your partner.