Conception Of Twins: A Hereditary Factor

Conception Of Twins: A Hereditary Factor
Conception Of Twins: A Hereditary Factor

The birth of twins is a real miracle of nature. Two people, like two drops of water similar to each other, have always aroused interest and admiration. Since ancient times, twins have been considered the chosen people.

The birth of twins is an amazing phenomenon in nature
The birth of twins is an amazing phenomenon in nature

How twins are conceived

Twins are children born to the same mother at the same time. When a woman is carrying multiple children, this is called multiple pregnancy. It arises: if the zygote - a fertilized egg is divided into two or more parts, if the egg has two or more nuclei, and all of them were fertilized by several sperm, if several eggs were fertilized by sperm.

Gemini can be identical or fraternal. In the first case, children have one genotype, absolutely identical, because the zygote is divided into two genetically identical halves with one hereditary potential. These twins have the same hair color, lip shape, physical structure, and the same fingerprints. Different eggs have a large percentage of similarity, but there are still visible and invisible differences, because the embryos developed from different eggs, which were simultaneously fertilized.


Statistics say that for every 100 births, there is one birth of twins. Two thirds of all newborns are fraternal twins. Heredity certainly determines the possibility of multiple pregnancy in a woman, but there are a number of other factors. Identical can be conceived by a woman at any age, but fraternal ones most often appear in women between the ages of 35 and 45. This is due to rearrangements in the female body. Race also determines the possibility of multiple pregnancies. In blacks, twins are born very often, but in the Mongoloid race - this is a very rare case.

Multiple ovulation

Some women experience several ovulations in the menstrual cycle, it is this natural opportunity that makes it possible to conceive twins. The likelihood of multiple pregnancies increases after one generation. If there were twins in the family (in the female line), then the chance of conceiving twins is 10 times greater.

Taking medications that stimulate the ovaries can lead to multiple ovulations in one cycle. Hormone therapy, which is prescribed to treat infertility, often results in the conception of twins. The artificial insemination procedure involves the introduction of up to six embryos into the uterus, and many of them can successfully take root.

The conception of twins is often associated with the external data of a woman. According to statistics, tall and fat twins are more often born. During breastfeeding, changes in the ovulation cycle occur, and a woman may soon find a multiple pregnancy. It is not necessary to have a genetic predisposition for this.
