With age, many children can not only be naughty and fooling around, but also persistently show aggression towards others. Boys are especially capable of expressing their dissatisfaction. Children's pushing, fisting and screaming can occur from scratch and cause a fight between little tomboy.

Step 1
Even despite his small age, the child is able to stubbornly defend his position and defend it no matter what. If a child often enough gets into a fight with peers, shows aggression towards animals, urgent intervention is needed not only from parents, but also from a child psychologist. In order for your child not to turn into an aggressor with age, parents need to have constant confidential conversations with him. First you need to explain to the child that any conflict can be settled with words. If the child does not want to learn to negotiate, tell him that he will not play with peers next time. The fighter must understand that any warning will be followed by real punishment.
Step 2
As you play in the playground, teach your child how to interact with peers, how to share your toys, and how to ask permission from other children to play with them. Never punish or scold your child in public. Better to do it at home, explaining what he is doing wrong. While in the playground, teach your child to get to know their peers and take part in group activities.
Step 3
If the child is used to solving all disputes in the team with the help of physical strength and does not want to fulfill the requirements of the parents, the solution to the problem can be found if the tomboy is sent to the sports section. In training, the child will learn not only perseverance and endurance, but also gain skills in managing emotions. Many parents mistakenly believe that if you send your child to a martial arts class, the problems can be solved. Doctors say the opposite, if a child is inclined to show aggression, team sports, such as volleyball, basketball, football, hockey, can be the best option for sports tempering of character. These sports train endurance, the ability to work in a team, the child develops the correct perception of group activities and develops logical thinking.