A modern young mother one way or another thinks about the question: stay at home to take care of the child, or go to work. In the first case, she loses the opportunity to earn far from extra money, and in the second, time with her beloved child. The reality is that you have to sacrifice this precious time.

Step 1
Recommendations of friends
At this point, attention should be paid to the fact that two people's ideas about a good nanny can be radically different. Therefore, it is best to first make sure that your requirements match in order to avoid unpleasant situations.
Step 2
There is no guarantee that a nanny selected with its help will be right for you. As a rule, information about the candidates is provided incompletely, and the time for the selection of a nanny can be extended for a rather long period. The cost of agency services is equal to the monthly salary of your new nanny, however, no one will guarantee that she will not steal.
Step 3
Announcements in the newspaper
Cheap, but laborious and even more risky than the previous method, but it is quite possible to find a good nanny. There are many ads, and they are updated frequently, so there is a large selection.
Step 4
Regardless of how you find a potential nanny, you need to pay attention to the many nuances in her behavior at the first meeting and ask the maximum number of questions, the answers to which will help you figure out whether she is right for you and your child. For example, look at her appearance, neatness - if the nanny takes care of herself, then your child will not walk around dirty. If she immediately, having barely crossed the threshold, began to lisp and deal with the child, you should be on your guard, because this behavior is reminiscent of acting in front of the mother.
Step 5
A good nanny will first let your child get used to her. It would be wise for you to ask for a certificate of her health condition. You can also trust the child's reaction, because children feel people very well and are sincere in their attitude towards them.
Step 6
If you have no formal complaints about a potential nanny, but the baby is nervous and anxious in her presence, listen to him.