Shampooing is an important part of baby care. For young parents, this procedure is not easy. Any wrong movement can cause negative emotions in the baby, and subsequently consolidate a negative attitude towards washing the head. Therefore, it is important to follow the sequence here.

- - baby shampoo;
- - bath;
- - slide;
- - water thermometer.
Step 1
Rinse the baby bath with warm water, place it on two chairs or on a bench. Check if it is stable. Put a diaper or slide on the bottom - a special device for supporting the baby.
Step 2
Pour warm water into a bath, measure the temperature with a water thermometer. It should be 36-37 degrees.
Step 3
Slowly lower your baby into the tub until the water covers the shoulders and chest. Using the slide will make it easier to wash the head: the child will be able to lie freely, and you just hold it with your left hand. Otherwise, the baby's head should rest on the elbow of your left arm. It's good if in this case someone will help you - they will hold the baby.
Step 4
Lather up with baby soap or shampoo, apply to scalp in circular motions, gently touching. Use for this purpose only special detergents, carefully read the recommendations for use on the label. A good baby shampoo should always indicate the age at which it can be applied.
Step 5
If a brown crust forms on the child's head, apply sterilized vegetable oil to the skin before washing. Leave it on for 40-50 minutes, and then wash your hair with shampoo. The crust will go away by itself.
Step 6
Rinse the shampoo off the head very carefully - from the back of the head to the forehead. Be careful not to get water with detergent in your eyes. For older children, an eye shield can be used. The principle of washing a child's head after six months is the same, only the child is already sitting in the bath.
Step 7
Rinse your hair thoroughly, especially long hair, otherwise it will tangle and the ends will split.
Step 8
Show your baby, using a toy or brother (sister) as an example, that shampooing is not such a terrible procedure. Read poems, stories about the benefits of water treatments. Then conduct a conversation on this topic.
Step 9
Play with your baby while bathing. Lather the shampoo on your hair, make figures on your head with the help of them, show the result to the baby in the mirror. Shampooing will turn into an exciting game.