In a woman's life, there are situations when she does not have the opportunity to devote herself completely to raising a child. In such cases, a nanny will come to the rescue. But, as with everything related to the health and well-being of the baby, the choice of a nanny must be treated with special attention.

Step 1
Decide what qualities and skills the future nanny should have, what her work schedule interests you and how much you are willing to pay for it. You can find a nanny through advertisements, through friends, or contact an agency.
Step 2
Get to know each candidate personally and conduct interviews. Try to determine the personal qualities of a person, learn about experiences and recommendations. It is good if the nanny has special skills, for example, knows how to play musical instruments, is engaged in painting or knows a foreign language perfectly. Then she will be able to transfer this knowledge to your child.
Step 3
Make sure the person you hire is completely healthy. Ask for fresh certificates from a psychiatrist, narcologist, dermatologist, results of fluorography, tests for HIV, RV, hepatitis, worm eggs.
Step 4
Track how the child interacts with the nanny. If in a week the baby is still not used to a new person, then refuse this candidacy. The nanny must be able to provide first aid and ensure the safety of the child. Tell her about your baby's health, what medications he is taking, and what he may be allergic to. Punctuality and adherence to the daily routine are important for a worker.
Step 5
Choose a nanny based on your child's age. For newborn babies, select a specialist with secondary or higher medical education, experience in working with babies. The duties of the nanny include caring for the baby - cooking and feeding, performing hygiene procedures and bathing, gymnastics and massage, walking. She should also take care of the mental and emotional development of the baby.
Step 6
Find a nanny for children from 3 to 6 years old with a secondary or higher pedagogical education. Give preference to former preschool employees. The nanny should be proficient in modern methods of developing and teaching children, be able to find an approach to the child, to interest him. The teacher's responsibilities may include teaching writing, reading, counting, and preparing for school.
Step 7
Choose a nanny-teacher for your school-age child. She will be able to pick up the child from school and take him home, feed him, watch how he does his homework, accompany him to additional classes. The governess will teach your child, help with lessons, teach the rules of etiquette.