It would seem: why leave if you love, because for many people the most important thing is to experience love, to live with the feeling of love. Often women even agree to the role of mistress, just to be from time to time next to a loved one. But sooner or later the moment comes when you need to decide and end a relationship that has no future, even if the man is still loved. If you find yourself in such a situation, then our advice will help you facilitate this difficult process.

Step 1
Your decision must be firm and final. Love should be creative, but if your love puts an end to your personal life, does not give the prospect of creating a full-fledged family, then it turns out that your beloved is an egoist who is trying to sit on two chairs. Realize that your love is simply being used, and in this situation you find yourself in the most disadvantageous position. You and your love are not toys, if this is not considered, then, no matter how difficult it is, make a conscious decision and get ready to talk.
Step 2
Without getting hysterical, calmly and reasonably explain to your beloved man the reasons why you need to leave and agree that there will be no attempts on his part to return everything back to its former course. If he really loves you, then either he will decide that you will be together, or he will leave you alone, recognizing your right to privacy, creating a family, having children.
Step 3
If he treated your decision with respect and your meetings have stopped, then you will face difficult times. Talking about not crying and suffering is pointless, you will do both. It is simply not necessary for such a state to be prolonged. With all rights, start suffering, get depressed, cry, close up and do not answer anyone's calls. You can revisit the photos before burning them or do a less melodramatic way - shove them in a distant drawer or folder on your computer.
Step 4
Two days should be enough for you. Do not forget to make an appointment with a beautician, spa salon at this time and arrange a meeting with your best friend. After two or three days, go wherever you have signed up, put yourself in order. It is better to have a meeting with a friend over a glass of wine at home, so that you have the opportunity to arrange the final fireworks and cry in the end with all your heart. A true friend will always find words of consolation, and by the end of the evening you will already be laughing and sorting out candidates worthy to take the vacant seat.