There are times in every person's life when he needs support. To help overcome his weakness, it is sometimes enough to just let him talk. If you feel that your man is experiencing difficulties, try to do everything in your power to improve his mood and make him believe in himself, and between the lines remind your passion once again that only together you are strength.

Step 1
Make it clear to your beloved man that, no matter what, you believe in his ability to solve everything and get out of any situation. Your confidence will certainly be passed on to him, and, thanks to such support, he will feel a surge of strength and find a way out of this situation.
Step 2
If you know how to solve the problem your young man is facing, suggest the best way to solve it. True, it is best not to say the way out of the situation "head-on". Try to bring him to the right decision delicately, with hints - let him think better that he coped with his worries.
Step 3
Remind him tirelessly that he is the smartest, and whatever decision he makes will be the only right one. So the man will cease to suffer from doubts and will act more confidently.
Step 4
If you know the root of the problem, nothing prevents you from coming up with or citing a real case from the life (of your own or mutual acquaintances), as people known to him did in a similar situation. One of the most effective ways to cheer him up will be a corresponding article on the Internet (newspaper, magazine), which gives instructions on how to act in a given situation.
Step 5
Throughout the time that a loved one spends in depression, meditation, etc., be as attentive as possible to him. Try to read his thoughts and understand what he wants. Do not forget about the everyday aspects of the issue - a man should always have delicious food, a warm bed and … a sexy life friend. All this will help him temporarily switch and remember the earthly joys available to him at any time.
Step 6
Don't get depressed yourself. If you do not radiate positive, your other half will go into themselves even deeper, doubly worried: now not only for themselves, but also for you.