What Are Women Afraid Of?

What Are Women Afraid Of?
What Are Women Afraid Of?

Women are inherently emotional and rather controversial creatures. They are often possessed by doubts and fears. The last in the heads of the adorable young ladies an incredible multitude rushes by.

What are women afraid of?
What are women afraid of?

What about my appearance?

The fears of many women are related to their appearance. One category of girls is afraid to get better, another - to suddenly grow old and wrinkled, and still others suffer from falling hair and are ready to do anything for the sake of possessing a lion's mane.

The beauty industry has long been using women's fears for its own benefit, so every month you can see ads for revolutionary anti-aging drugs, hear about newfangled diets or a revolutionary method of plastic surgery, thanks to which at 50 you will be able to look 25, and maximum 30.

By the way, there are, on the contrary, girls who are afraid to visit a beautician's office or go for radical changes in the image, fearing that the result will disappoint them.

For family reasons

Often, far-fetched fears due to appearance are closely related to problems in relationships with the opposite sex. Lonely people are afraid not to meet their soul mate, citing external unattractiveness. Married people are afraid that the husband will find himself a young mistress and go to her, so they not only work to maintain their young image, but also try to become an ideal wife.

There are women who are not at all embarrassed by the presence of a mistress in their husband, the main thing is that the love-lover does not become pregnant and does not take the faithful from the family. Otherwise, you will have to start to fear divorce, division of property and scandals over children. It is better to show wisdom, and the husband, most likely, will play enough and return home. This is the way of thinking of these women.

Of course, fears associated with children cannot be ignored. Those who have already tried on the role of a mother worry that something will happen to their child or that they will not be able to give him everything he needs. But most of all they are afraid to find themselves a bad mother.

In turn, women who do not yet have children are afraid to never know the joy of motherhood, and as the biological clock ticks, this fear only intensifies.

Other fears

Since material well-being plays an important role, many women are afraid of poverty and lack of money, so they go all out in search of a sponsor or go headlong into work. Many women have not spared fears related to health, their own and those of their loved ones. Some are afraid of the warrior, disaster and death.

However, it is simply impossible to live in fear all the time. It is necessary to somehow learn to control oneself, otherwise the whole life will be spent exclusively on solving the problems associated with these fears.
