A resolute look from under knitted eyebrows, a two-day stubble, swift and confident movements … Can there be any hidden fears in such a representative of the strong half of humanity? It turns out they can. Although, even the most confident men prefer to remain silent about most of their fears.

#one. Body flaws
Many women and men share the views imposed on them from childhood, according to which not only the soul, but also the human body should be harmoniously developed. If we are talking about a male figure, then she should be muscular, proportionally built, slim and fit.
If the male body does not correspond to such ideal ideas, fears about his physical usefulness may well arise in the soul of a man. The strong part of humanity is especially sensitive to hints of a "beer belly".
# 2. Financial soundness
One of the main reasons for men's fears and concerns is financial well-being. It is generally accepted that a man is a breadwinner who can provide his loved ones financially in any situation. Sometimes a man who cannot afford to give his beloved woman an expensive holiday gift experiences anxiety and fear of rejection. But men are in no hurry to discuss their financial difficulties even in communication with friends.
# 3. Height
In the list of male qualities, the growth of a man occupies one of the very first positions. It is believed that a man should be tall enough - this is an indicator of his status among his own kind. There are many men of average height in the world who are not averse to stretching out a couple of centimeters. Some resort to all sorts of tricks - like high heels. But they carefully hide their fears about small stature. Why? Afraid to inspire pity or ridicule. Often men of short stature buy themselves a car of solid size.
#four. Fear of competition
Male jealousy may not be as conspicuous as female jealousy. But the fear of being a loser does a lot of damage to manhood and pride. Sometimes the reason for such fears lies in a feeling of self-inferiority and low self-esteem driven inside. Can the fear of competing for female attention be dispelled? Quite. This requires a heart-to-heart talk with a man, convincing that no one threatens his happiness.

#five. Lack of experience with women
Every day, some superhero looks at a man from television screens, capable of conquering any woman's heart. Such a macho has two or three girlfriends and a long list of love victories. Some men believe that the lack of such achievements will prevent them from being considered a real man. Assessing his experience, such a man comes to the conclusion that he is unlikely to be able to keep the woman he likes next to him. Matching yourself with glossy Hollywood looks can create a strong and carefully hidden fear of potential failure in a relationship. There is always the risk of not being up to par, being branded as a less experienced and not too skillful lover.
# 6. Hairstyle
The eternal problem of male appearance is hair on the head and body. Hair often grows in abundance where it shouldn't be, but is absent as a decoration. A man with a receding hairline may anxiously think, “Am I looking manly enough? Will they not exchange me for a brutal handsome man with lush and well-groomed hair? Lack of lush vegetation on the head can cause secret suffering. Not all women know that men tend to pay as much attention to their hairstyle as to the availability of stylish accessories or fashionable clothes that increase social status.
# 7. Diet
If a woman is on a diet, questions usually do not arise. Rather, it can evoke empathy or even compassion. But it is worth mentioning to a man that he monitors his diet and adheres to a special diet - he immediately sees suspicious grins. Isn't he sick? Is everything all right with his health?
The fear of appearing ridiculous often forces a man to hide the restrictions that the diet he uses on his life. Not everyone admits that they strive to be fit and healthy to the detriment of the reputation of a "real man" who absorbs liters of beer, eating it with mouth-watering hamburgers.

#eight. Relations
Another fear that often haunts men is related to relationships. Even if now they are developing ideally, there is always the opportunity to lose the beloved woman and lose her favor. Or simply be rejected. A woman may discuss such fears with her friends. But a man will prefer to keep such fears in himself, accumulating negative experiences - often without the slightest reason.
#nine. "Ghosts of the Past"
"Did you have a lot of guys before me?" Even if such a question is not voiced, it often sits in a man's head, eating away at him like rust. The omnipotent "ghosts of the past" come into play, with which a person begins to consciously or unconsciously compare himself. And it doesn't matter that all the previous relationships for his chosen one have already been completed. Such hidden fears can destroy the most harmonious union.
#10. Fear of expressing your emotions
How can a real man allow himself to openly and naturally express his overwhelming feelings? In European culture, it is generally accepted that a man should be restrained and avoid being overly emotional. The fear of appearing feminine makes the representatives of the strong half of humanity control the manifestations of their feelings. Crying for such a man is almost a crime. From childhood, he is taught that he must cope with the difficulties and vicissitudes of fate in silence. It can be very scary to go over this institution.