Not always girls can understand the emotions experienced by their male interlocutor. In such cases, understanding non-verbal communication systems comes to the rescue.

Why hide your interest?
Raised eyebrows are a great indication of a man's interest. Moreover, usually raised eyebrows coexist with an open facial expression - a slightly open mouth, a constant smile, slightly narrowed eyes. When a man likes someone, it reads on his face.
You can tell if a man is sexually interested in you by looking at the position of his hands. If they are at the level of the hips or waist, while the man's legs are wide apart, this means that he is more than interested in you. If at the same time his palms are turned in your direction, then his intentions are sincere, without hidden subtext. If a man holds his hands at chest level, hides his palms, crosses his legs - this shows that he does not like you. However, it is possible that all these reactions are directed not at you, but at the circumstances.
You should not consider any manifestations of a man's nervousness in your presence as a result of his emotions towards you. Often this nervousness can be explained by other circumstances.
Often, when talking to you, a man may start fiddling with a tie, straightening a collar, twisting a button on a suit, or simply touching his throat. This indicates an interest, but this interest is not always sexual. Perhaps the man considers you a suitable business partner.
Explicit signals
Any strange, beautiful or bright act aimed at attracting your attention, undoubtedly, speaks of the man's interest. In her absence, he will not try to stand out from the crowd for your sake.
A great way to tell if a man likes you is to shake hands. If he turns his palm up during the handshake, then he is ready to obey you. If he clasps yours with both palms, then in this way the man shows friendliness, trust and sincerity. But beware of weak handshakes - they indicate that the man does not want to reduce the distance, which means that you do not seem attractive enough to him.
If a man catches your gaze and stares into your eyes for more than a few seconds, this is an indication of extreme sexual interest.
Other touches can be even more meaningful than a handshake. If a man openly puts his hand on your shoulder or back, looking for reasons to touch your hand, then he wants to start a relationship with you, or at least he is interested in you.