From time to time, videos appear in the media and on the Internet, demonstrating the upbringing of children by kindergarten staff far from the ideals of pedagogy and morality. After watching such videos, parents have a natural desire to find out what is happening in the group, where they take the child every day, because he himself cannot always explain and understand whether the teacher has crossed the border of the permissible.

Pros of hidden video surveillance in kindergarten
Children of older groups can usually tell mom and dad in detail what exactly the teacher does if someone is indulging or disobeying. But with babies it is more difficult - some children begin to go to nursery from two or even one and a half years, so parents simply will not be able to get specific information about what is happening in the group. However, strange situations happen with older children. Often the whole group walks in bruises and bruises, and the reason is that the young teacher regularly takes smoke breaks and leaves the kids unattended - they fight, pinch their fingers and break their noses.
Therefore, the advantages of covert video surveillance in kindergarten are obvious: this is not just a check of the teacher's pedagogical activity, but also a regular control, and whether the kindergarten employee was on the spot, was he not doing his own business. In addition, video recordings allow you to analyze the behavior of a child in a group of children, to see how he builds his relationships with others, because with his parents the baby behaves differently.
In many private kindergartens, cameras are installed that allow online monitoring of what is happening in the group, so that parents who miss their children can see what they are doing at any time.
Cons of installing hidden video cameras in kindergarten
The decision to install a hidden video camera in a children's group also has its drawbacks. Firstly, this cannot be done without the consent of the manager. The teachers in the kindergarten work under an employment contract, so without the introduction of a provision on video surveillance and notifying all employees about this by drawing up additional agreements, the installation of cameras will be illegal. And in this case, the meaning of "hidden" tracking disappears, because everyone knows about it.
In addition, parents who are ready to do this should understand that the purchase and installation of equipment will be carried out at their expense; currently, the budgets of general educational institutions for children do not take into account such expenses. And it is worth noting that this pleasure is not cheap, besides, the cameras will need periodic maintenance, and in this case, some parents find reasons not to pay.
Many workers report that they are more exposed to stress when video cameras are installed in the room. It is worth considering, would you like to be “on the air” all the time?
Video surveillance in the garden: the optimal solution
If parents want to look after their children from afar, it should be done openly and formally. That is, talk to the head of the garden, buy cameras, connect them and admire your children online. It is worth remembering that adequate educators will not be afraid of video cameras, so one conversation about this will be enough to understand from their reaction whether they are in control when their parents leave.