If you fully and completely realized that it is time to start a new period in life, but there is no place for the current partner at this stage, you should think it over again without much emotion. And to act clearly, logically and decisively.

It is necessary
Confidence, desire to change your life, serious attitude
Step 1
Imagine your life in detail without this guy. If you really do not value anything anymore, you should not postpone an important moment, explaining to yourself your indecision in every possible way ("I will not spoil his weekend," "I will tell you after the holidays", etc.). The sooner it is over, the better for the two of you.
Step 2
Be prepared for negative reactions from your boyfriend and your friends. Also keep in mind that you will be in pain too, if only because you are used to this person.
Step 3
Prepare your boyfriend: let your phone conversations and messages become shorter and drier, meet less often and "quick", reduce the number of hugs and kisses …
Step 4
During the conversation, make it clear that everything is over between you. There are several options for the development of events. If the guy is happy, it is worth, despite the fact that it is unpleasant, smile and say: "I am glad that at least in some way our opinions coincide."
Step 5
If he threatens to commit suicide, then inform that you are not responsible for his life and his threats do not work on you.
Step 6
If the guy does not react to your words in any way - end the conversation and do not bother him; Enough apologies.
Step 7
If he only reproaches you, do not argue with him, just say that you understand his feelings. If he asks in confusion: "What am I to blame?" and "What to do?" - do not try to philosophize in response, show that you are also worried and do not know why this happened.