Many couples begin to notice over time that relationships are gradually becoming a routine. This is not a good tendency and can lead to serious problems, so feelings in a marriage need to be revived periodically.

Over time, the feelings in marriage "blur" a little, a habit to each other is developed, and the acuteness of sensations disappears. This is a normal process, since the body cannot be in love euphoria all the time. However, feelings in marriage, figuratively speaking, represent a smoldering "fire" into which it is periodically necessary to throw "firewood" so that it does not go out. Various romantic actions can serve as "firewood" for this purpose.
Enjoyable Dinner
This method can be called a classic of romance. A dinner for two by candlelight can give a lot of pleasant sensations and give you a great mood. You can exchange gifts, sing for each other, perform an original act, etc.
Spending time together
Children, work, household chores - all this addicts, turning into a routine. Try to find a time to spend together. Go for a walk, go on a trip, go to a concert. Try to set aside a little time for each other whenever possible.
An evening of memories
Remember the most enjoyable moments of the relationship. Write letters to each other on paper, watch videos or old photos.
You can think of anything. The main thing is to remind each other of your love.