Both those who felt the cooling and indifference of their partner, and those who think that something important and meaningful has left their long-standing relationship, seek to return or revive love. If the relationship was really originally built on love, and not on physical attraction, benefit or convenience, then there is always a chance to return it. One has only to slightly change the usual pattern of behavior.

Step 1
Change your attitude towards yourself: love yourself, accept with all the features. Love for a man, just like love for a woman, flares up when the object of feelings itself is full of self-love (only this should not be confused with narcissism). On a subconscious level, people are always drawn to those who do not demand, do not expect love, but they themselves are full of this energy and therefore can bestow it. In a long-term relationship, as well as in pursuit of past feelings, a person often loses himself, forgets what he wants / loves, what his true desires / dreams are. The rebirth of love begins with the discovery of this gift within oneself.
Step 2
Get rid of the negativity accumulated over the course of the relationship. It should be understood that we ourselves create all the negative: we make some demands, claims, we ourselves create illusions in relation to our half, and then we are painfully disappointed, we want to see our person as anything, just not as he is.
- recall as often as possible the pleasant, warm moments that you had alone. But do not emphasize the difference between what was and what is now. Do not bring negativity, just try again to feel all the charm and uniqueness of moments of love, trust and admiration for each other. The rebirth of love comes from realizing how much good you have given to each other.
Step 3
Give up the desire to change your partner, to fit your ideas. Internally, this is always perceived as proof that you are not able to accept and love your person for who he is, moreover, this is inevitable violence against the person. Where there is violence, neither love for a woman nor love for a man lives. Let your partner come to the decision to change something, rather than impose it.