The romance of the candy-bouquet period is gradually disappearing, and long established relationships often bring less vivid emotions. This transformation is normal, but you should not slip into a routine. Try to revitalize the insipid relationship.

Step 1
Earlier, when going on dates, you could stand in front of the mirror for hours, choosing an outfit, and when you met, walked through the most beautiful parks and sat at tables in original coffee houses? If now, when you live together, most of your life passes within the walls of an apartment modestly furnished by your grandmother, it is no wonder that you will sometimes feel that there is not enough color in your life. Make your home so that you want to spend time there. It is not necessary to buy expensive furniture sets if it was not part of your plans. Re-paste the wallpaper, change the curtains, throw an original tablecloth on the table, and your apartment will be transformed. Think about the bed - because there you not only sleep, but also indulge in a stormy passion. Make a canopy, buy a set of luxury bedding. In a beautiful environment, life will seem brighter to you.
Step 2
Going to work, you put on clean and beautiful clothes, do your hair, put on makeup, and when you return, you fit into an old faded jacket and shorts a couple of sizes larger. It turns out that you show yourself in all its glory to colleagues and friends, but before your spouse you appear in a not very presentable form. There are many beautiful yet comfortable clothes. And from time to time you can arrange role-playing games, dressing for a loved one as a flight attendant or a strict boss.
Step 3
At the beginning of a relationship, lovers try to please each other with and without such, give gifts and sometimes commit reckless, but romantic acts. It is not necessary to draw love letters under the window on the asphalt or spend half of the family budget on flowers, but make it a habit to please your loved one not only on New Years and his birthday. Order his favorite food delivery to his office, record a song for him and send him if you think that singing serenades under the window is not serious. Little things like a tie, a scented shower gel or a key ring won't make you spend a lot of money, but it will please your half.
Step 4
A joint trip will help revive the insipid relationship. It doesn't matter where you go - to an expensive resort or to the nearest forest with a tent. The main thing is that you will distract from work and household chores that took you so much time and devote it to each other. Planning is also done together: choose a hotel, work out the best route, look for attractions that are definitely worth a visit. In anticipation of the trip, you will again feel like an excited lover.