Adolescence is one of the most difficult years. It is difficult for a child to get used to the changes taking place in his body. The hormonal explosion causes frequent mood swings, the teenager is constantly on edge. And parents should take into account this kind of psycho-emotional state in the conversation.

Step 1
If an adult managed to reach out to a teenager, it means that he remembered himself in childhood. How difficult it was to tell your parents about your feelings and experiences, how hard it is to prove that you already have the right to vote. Taking into account and listening to the teenager's opinion is the first thing parents need to learn. If they can overcome their authoritarianism, then they will be able to find a way to visit their child.
Step 2
Parents must understand that a teenager cannot be ordered. All requests made in an orderly tone will cause aggression. For the child to do what is required, ask him calmly. Explain why it is important to you that he does this or that. He is no longer small and has long been trying to figure out the sequence of actions. If you explain to him, for example, that without washing the dishes now, he will be left without a clean plate at dinner, the teenager will fulfill his duties. If he forgot, don't do them for him. It's okay if the family eats dinner five minutes later, after the teen has finished washing the dishes. So he will learn to be responsible and understand that no one else will fulfill the duties assigned to him.
Step 3
Become a friend for your teen to listen to your words. This means - take an interest in his life, but stop completely controlling it. Give him freedom. Let him make decisions on his own. Only intervene when the teenager asks you to. And never scold him for his mistakes. Otherwise, he will not tell you about them, but he will not stop doing them.
Step 4
Remember that due to hormonal changes, the teenager is almost always on edge. Consider his condition. Don't bother with directions if you see him upset about something. Give your teen time to calm down. Half an hour will not play any role for you, but it will show the child that you respect his feelings.