All newborns hear only loud sounds, and they react poorly to quiet ones. Observing your child's behavior often will help determine how their hearing is developing. Remember that all disorders in the development of speech can be prevented and eliminated if treatment is prescribed on time.

Step 1
If you decide to test your child's hearing to calm yourself, do it better when he is awake. By the age of 6 weeks, the baby reacts to loud sounds, opens his eyes and blinks, flinches in his sleep, or wakes up. If your baby is under three months old, try lightly clapping your hands behind his head. If he flinches, then his hearing is all right. If not, pat it again.
Step 2
At the age of three to six months, the baby freezes when he hears a new sound. The child may smile or walk if he hears a familiar voice and turns his head towards you. Having heard an interesting rhythm, the baby begins to look for its source with his eyes. From six to ten months, he responds to his name and to a phone call, the noise of a working vacuum cleaner. At this age, children love to listen to music, react to sound, even very quiet. The child must turn his head when addressed by name, begins to understand simple words, for example, mom, dad, bye.
Step 3
At the age of ten to fifteen months, the baby should show various objects in the picture at the request of an adult. See how he reacts to muted sounds coming from the next room. At this age, children turn their heads to whoever is talking to them. From fifteen months to one and a half years, the child understands simple requests, for example, "throw a ball" or "bring a bear." Can wave goodbye with a pen, makes various movements when he hears familiar music.
Step 4
At the age of two, the child carefully looks at your face, reads your lips. If you notice a delay in the development of speech in your baby, check his hearing yourself. To do this, ask him to stand with his back to you at a distance of 5 meters, then speak softly simple words. The kid should repeat them after you. Watch your child. If your hearing is clearly impaired, see an otolaryngologist. The doctor will prescribe treatment, and, if necessary, prescribe sound-amplifying equipment.