During the preparation for school and in the lower grades, great importance is attached to the development of a high level of literacy. A common problem of a child 6-10 years old: I write as I hear. In the formation of correct speech and competent writing, it is important to pay due attention to the development of phonemic hearing. With the help of simple tests and exercises, parents can determine the level of phonemic hearing in a child and develop it at home.

- - blue and green flags
- - object pictures denoting words with voiced and voiceless consonants
Step 1
Invite your child to play a cognitive quiz: "Tricky Letters." Purpose: to determine the level of the child's ability to distinguish between words that are similar in sound composition. The time allotted for each test should not exceed 7-10 minutes. For convenience, put the child at the table, and stand opposite yourself (accustoming to the role of a student).
Step 2
Test 1. Ability to distinguish sounds similar to hearing. Place flags in front of the child. Instructions: "I will pronounce the words, and you be careful and raise the red flag only when you hear the same words: daughter-dot, salo-salo, beam-stick, roll-roll, bear-bowl, bowl-bowl." Pronounce the words in a normal voice, but clearly.
Step 3
Test 2. Ability to distinguish voiced / voiceless consonants. Prepare or draw pictures of words with voiceless / voiced consonants (for example: ears, mustaches, kidneys, barrels, etc.). Instruction: "I will show pictures and name them, and you must raise the blue flag if the consonant in the word is voiceless, and green if voiced."
Step 4
Test 3. Repetition. Instruction: "I will now pronounce a set of words, and you repeat them exactly as I said: house - tom - lump - barrel - kidney - dot - bump." Play three times, changing the word order each time.
Step 5
Results: high level (phonemic hearing is not impaired) - the child understands the task, distinguishes words accurately, reacts quickly in case of repetition, medium level (weak correction is required) - the child makes minor mistakes, but corrects them on his own, low level (correction is required for speech therapist) - gross violation of phonemic hearing, more than 3 mistakes, the child does not distinguish between similar sounds, does not notice his own mistakes.
Step 6
Draw Sounds correction. Each sound is assigned its own code symbol. For example, a voiced consonant is an oblique stick, a voiceless consonant is a hyphen. Give the child a pencil or pen and offer to encrypt the secret message: БППШЖШШБ (for example). It should look like this: / --- / - /