Parents often face problems when a child speaks poorly, does not pronounce some sounds, and can replace many sounds with others. The reason for this is the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing. By about three years of age, children have a fairly large auditory experience, but they still do not know how to compare sounds in terms of timbre, character, do not know how to listen. The ability to distinguish sounds, hear them and understand them must be developed from the first days of life.

- - an even number of small boxes
- - grain, cereals, sand, paper clips
- - sticks, pencils
Step 1
Phonemic hearing is the ability to distinguish between sounds. If this skill is not formed, the child does not perceive what he is told, but what he hears, this does not always coincide with the said phrase or word. If you notice this discrepancy in a child, contact a speech therapist. The specialist will select a set of exercises specifically for your baby's problem.
Step 2
In addition to classes with a speech therapist, offer your child play exercises at home. Together with your baby, listen to recordings of the sounds of nature: the surf, the sound of rain, birdsong, etc. Discuss the sounds you hear, which sounds are similar, which and how they differ, and where the child heard them. Pay the baby's attention to the sounds during the walk, for example, how the snow creaks underfoot, how the stream murmurs, the wind makes noise, etc.
Step 3
For home activities, use the material at hand. For example, knock with different objects with different strengths, paces. Play a game. Ask your child to close their eyes or hide behind a screen. Clap your hands, stomp, tear paper. The kid has to guess what you are doing. You can ask him to repeat your actions. Start this game with the sound of 2 objects, gradually increasing to 8-10.
Step 4
The child will definitely like and amuse the game with sounding boxes. Take a few boxes for yourself and the same for the baby. Fill each box with cereals, sand, paper clips, etc. Fill the child's kit with the same. Shake any box, then ask your baby to find the same sound. Switch roles, make a few mistakes so that the baby notices it. You can complicate the task, for example, shake two boxes in a row, ask the child to repeat.
Step 5
An interesting invention in the house will be the "magic wand". Make it with your baby. Knock on objects in the house, listen to these sounds. Invite your child to guess what sounds, what you tapped on first, what then. Swap roles. Guess again, be wrong. Take the "magic wand" outside, play there with your peers.
Step 6
Talk with sounds. Tap the phrases with a pencil, the child should answer you in the same way. Convey emotions, change the pace, sound. You can also tap while pronouncing the syllables of the poem: 1 syllable - 1 beat.
Step 7
Ask your child to recite a poem familiar to him, starting out loudly, gradually turning into a whisper, and vice versa. Tell the poem yourself, while agreeing that the baby will perform certain movements when you speak softly, others when loud, etc.
Step 8
Make an audio recording of your child's voice, yours and the voices of your loved ones Listen to the cassette or disc with your baby. The child must guess by voice who the lines belong to.