Young children tend to trust and respect adults. Therefore, it is not so difficult to get the child to respect you. To gain credibility with a child means doing everything so that he understands that he is being taken seriously.

Step 1
The most important rule taught by talented teachers is to always think, do and say the same thing. This is the main thing to remember. Only in this case will the child truly respect you and listen to your opinion. Children are very sensitive to insincerity and inconsistency. It literally brings down their world, the lie of an adult makes them doubt everything. After all, adults and their opinions are the only reliable ones in a child's life. And if one adult betrays, then trust is undermined in all. Small children are maximalists. So try to take good care of their world.
Step 2
Also, don't try to buy the baby's sympathy with sweets or gifts. This will only create consumer expectations for you, not credibility. Yes, all this can be given, but only after you have established a good and warm relationship. The child feels very keenly when they are simply trying to pay off from him and simply begins to take gifts from you, but without love in return. The child's soul responds only to love and sincerity.
Step 3
A child is also a person, only an inexperienced one. And very painfully going through negative experiences. Therefore, if the kid has entrusted you with a secret, take care of it and do not reveal to anyone. Often adults do not respect the secrets of children, and they do not forgive this. Therefore, treat the secret that you have trusted or accidentally disclosed to you, as they relate to a nondisclosure subscription.
Step 4
Never silence your child, always listen. Perhaps even inattentively, but do not let him know that you do not care about their opinion. Children are very offended when they are not allowed to speak. Therefore, be sure to be with them when they need you - and they will thank you in a childish way with sincere love and trust. A child can become a true friend, regardless of his age.