How Can You Gain The Trust Of Your Child?

How Can You Gain The Trust Of Your Child?
How Can You Gain The Trust Of Your Child?

When it comes to gaining a child's trust, there may be a few battles ahead of you. It will be small battles or large, long or short - it is entirely up to you. In parenting life, it happens in different ways. For some parents, the child's love and trust grows and grows stronger day by day from the very birth. In other parents and children, mutual feelings are often tested. Trust is also a feeling, and the price of verification is very high here.

How can you gain the trust of your child?
How can you gain the trust of your child?

What is trust for?

You can't do without trust. No way. If there is a child around you who does not trust you, he is in danger. He will be forced to study the world around him and learn from his mistakes. Here he can break a lot of firewood, and you will get it. Do you want to make your child like you, better than you, to help him achieve what you dreamed about yourself, but for some reason could not? All this is possible only through trust.

Where to begin?

It will be possible to win the trust of a child only with a pure heart. Children are very sensitive to falsehood. This is probably the only condition for gaining trust, which is suitable for absolutely everyone. Otherwise, everyone is different.

What to do?

Look, listen to your child. What does he like, what is he interested in, what is interesting to him about you? Most likely, he is not interested in the fact that you have a high responsibility for the fate of people or simply for the maintenance of the family. Well, it's completely natural that you do something in life for the sake of money, for the sake of a career, for your own pleasure, finally. Recognition of this can probably be considered the second condition for gaining trust, which is suitable for absolutely everyone.

Do or promise your child to do something that interests him. And after promising, be sure to follow through. So many times, and it is better not to stop at all.

Involve your child in your business. It's terribly interesting for kids. If you can't give him a really responsible task, then at least pretend that he is doing something necessary and important. And be sure to appreciate the work and diligence of the child. The joy of a fair assessment of your contribution to a common cause will surely raise trust in you, encourage the child to seek your society and attention again and again. If the child did something wrong - nothing, say that you did not succeed at first.

How to be yourself?

Be consistent in your actions and deeds. Children perfectly remember who and what, and when they did, and what they said. And what importance he attached to actions and conversations. And the next time you do the opposite, trust in you will completely or partially disappear. “Oh, you never know what he said there. Everything is always different with him. He doesn't know how to do it himself."
