Children learn many things on their own, but there are things that parents should teach a child. For example, parents instill in the child the rules of behavior in society, teach him how to wash his hands and brush his teeth, and tie his shoelaces. But there are also moments in education that can be attributed to the most important.

Parents should teach their child to love and respect themselves. Of course, you do not need to grow an egoist out of him, but you need to make the child understand that he must respect himself and treat himself with love. To do this, he needs to show his own example. If parents respect and love themselves, children follow this example.
The child's trust can be generated by learning to express their own thoughts through speech. It is unlikely that a child can say what gift he wants to receive for the New Year or for his birthday. Often a child cannot express the emotions that he experiences when he was offended by a boy with whom he had a fight in the sandbox. You need to let your child understand that words are an important tool in communication and expression.
Parents should provide their child with all possible assistance in the development of his curiosity. Encourage the child's questions and answer them all the time in a detailed and clear way. Sometimes children ask stupid questions, there is no need to be annoyed at them, not to react correctly, and thus not give him the opportunity to receive answers.
Trust between adults and children is a very important aspect. This is especially important during the period when the child goes to the first grade. Here he meets with an absolutely stranger - the class teacher, he will open up a new world of knowledge for him. Therefore, if a child does not have confidence in the teacher, it is unlikely that he will be successful in teaching. It is important to instill trust in your child in relationships with adults. It is about respecting your elders. And if a child shouts at adults and threatens, then this is a serious reason to think and reconsider something in his upbringing.
If a child sees a friend in you, reveals to you all his experiences and secrets, then you managed to win his trust. Trust plays a very important role in its development and in the further formation of the personality.