As soon as the baby doesn't like something, he throws a tantrum: stamping his feet, crying and screaming as if something incredibly serious had happened. For children, this is a great way to get what they want, because they were already well aware that it would work.

Step 1
Try to anticipate a tantrum, be proactive. Sharp corners and conflicts must be avoided. Watch for the appearance of precursors of irritation - anxiety, whimpering, tension, and when they appear, distract him. You can draw the child's attention to the deterioration of his mood: "You are tired, let's go for a walk." Children have not yet developed the ability to monitor their emotions, so you must regulate them. If the child is upset, use the calming method, help him to control. Step aside, hug, pat your back, sing a song.
Step 2
Control your emotional state. Calm, calm again. Try not to communicate with the screaming child, do not even look in his direction, until the calm comes. He must understand that such behavior will not be tolerated. Be persistent in your behavior, if you said no, stay with your opinion.
Step 3
Don't worry about your baby during a seizure. Stay with him, let him feel that you understand him. Do not instill anything in the child at this time, do not shout, do not spank. This will agitate him even more. He should see that you are not angry with him, that you do not want to punish him, but that you are not going to give in either.
Step 4
In case of repeated tantrums, it is necessary to temporarily isolate the child in a specially designated place, where there should be no toys, TV, or other children. He must understand that he does not deserve to play. Temporary isolation may vary in duration, but he must remain in an isolated place until he is calm for two minutes. And if the child starts to be capricious again, he must be returned to his place again.
Step 5
Do not give up even when the tantrum with the baby happened in a public place. In this case, it is better to take him by the hand and lead him away. Do not seek help from outsiders, the child only needs this, tk. hysteria demands spectators.
Step 6
Stick to the chosen line of behavior during tantrums so that the child knows that your behavior is constant and with the proper behavior, he will be allowed to communicate with other people.
Step 7
Explain to your child how to express their feelings in words, not shouting. Teach him the words that describe his condition: angry, angry, sad. Praise if he tells you about his grief.
Step 8
Remember, if one approach doesn't work, another will do. Be consistent in your actions and build on reinforcement through encouragement.