Recommendations For Parents: How To Deal With Child Tantrums

Recommendations For Parents: How To Deal With Child Tantrums
Recommendations For Parents: How To Deal With Child Tantrums

To one degree or another, all parents face childish tantrums. For some, this child's behavior is a one-time incident, while for others it is a constant problem. It is important to understand the mechanisms of its occurrence and methods of how to cope with it most effectively. Often, recommendations to parents regarding childish tantrums are reduced to a simple advice "not to pay attention." But in practice, everything is much more complicated.

Children's tantrum. Psychologist's advice
Children's tantrum. Psychologist's advice

Children's tantrum is a strong emotional outburst, accompanied by screaming, crying, many children throw themselves on the floor, pounding their hands and feet, and arching in their backs. Parents in such a situation are often lost and do not know how to behave correctly. In this state, the baby cannot control himself and his emotions. The reasons for a child's hysteria are different: the child did not receive the desired, the strongest disorder due to some kind of failure, etc. Among the recommendations for parents, the most common is not to pay attention to the child's tantrum. In reality, everything is not so simple.

Indeed: it is a bad idea to give the baby what he so emotionally requires. If he gets what he wants as a result of hysteria, he will remember this behavior as one of the ways to achieve his goal. As a result, the child will be hysterical more often. When a tantrum occurs, the parent needs to muster all his strength in order to remain calm. Own anger naturally arises in such situations, but does not help the child at all.

If the baby is trying to achieve something with tears, be sure to leave him alone. The fewer spectators there are, the faster he will calm down. It also helps to change the environment: leave the store, move to another room, etc.

Even when the reason has already ceased to exist (the family left the store where the child demanded to buy something), the child is not able to relieve emotional stress on his own. It happens that a child's hysteria happens in situations when a small person gets very upset about something: the toy does not understand, it is impossible to put the pyramid the way you want. It is the parent's task to help the child calm down. Give a drink, wash with cool water, hold tight, not letting twitch, for example. Every mother knows what exactly helps her child to return to normal faster.

The child needs to live through the emotions, throw them out, but not too long. If a child's tantrum drags on, then his nervous system is depleted, the baby's psyche falls into a vicious circle: the more the child cries, the more difficult it is to stop. Psychologist's advice boils down to the fact that it is not necessary to rush to calm down right away, but it is also not worth delaying the cessation of childish tantrums.

The kid must understand that his mother did not stop loving him at this moment, that she withstands the intensity of emotions. Then he himself will gradually learn to endure them, to cope in more adequate ways. If a parent, in a situation of childish tantrum, throws out his irritation and anger, this does not help the baby at all.

Generally, recommendations for parents who often face childish tantrums boil down to 3 main points: do not go along with the manipulation of the child, reduce the number of viewers and help calm down.
