Few manage to find their soul mate the first time: people meet, break up, start new romances, break up again, and this happens until they find someone with whom they are ready to live their whole lives. Therefore, entering into a new relationship, men often have some experience behind them. But for a woman, the presence of a former lover, wife or mistress becomes another reason for jealousy, most often unfounded.

Step 1
First of all, you need to realize the fact that your loved one, like you, has a past, and it cannot be crossed out. Before meeting you, there were some events in his life, and some of them led to the fact that he broke up with his ex-partner. The very word "former" indicates that their relationship is over.
Step 2
Treat the man's past as a given: it was, but now it does not matter. Do not ask him about previous romances, do not elicit their details from friends and relatives: the less you know about your relationship with your ex, the more peaceful your life will be. You should not read his e-mail and messages on the phone: a harmless entry can be perceived with a different meaning, which will provoke a quarrel, a showdown, and as a result, a loss of trust in each other.
Step 3
Try to restrain yourself when you want to make a scene of jealousy towards his ex-girlfriend. Regular scandals about what is left in the past can make a man wonder whether he did the right thing by parting with his former partner and connecting his life with you. Therefore, jealousy of an ex is a rather dangerous activity.
Step 4
If your lover is still in touch with that girl, for example, texting on social networks, calling up regularly, meeting with her in the company of mutual friends, make it clear that this is unpleasant for you. Ask him, if possible, to reduce contacts with his former passion, speak frankly, without minuscule words and half-hints.
Step 5
Never compare yourself to your ex: the fact that your beloved is now with you, and not with her, speaks in your favor. And even more so, do not try to imitate her: dress and paint in the same way, copy her manners and gait. Comparisons and imitations can be detrimental to your self-esteem and add a ton of unnecessary complexes. Be yourself, because your man loved you just the way you are, with all the advantages and disadvantages.
Step 6
To be confident in yourself, keep your individuality and originality. At the same time, try to improve yourself, but not in order to be like your man's former beloved, but exclusively for yourself. Go in for fitness, learn a foreign language, come up with a new hobby - be interesting.
Step 7
Trust the man, love and respect him, because he is with you, loves you and values your relationship, so do not poison them with senseless jealousy. Remember that the ex-girlfriend of your loved one is his past, and you are the present and future.