Sports and physical education are symbols of a healthy lifestyle, and health should be taken care of from an early age. It is good when parents or even grandparents go in for sports, demonstrating courage and fortitude.

Step 1
For children to start playing sports, they need to see a positive example from adults. To see that parents prefer active leisure, rather than lying on the couch in front of the TV. Even quiet walks with the whole family are better than concentrated sitting in their own corner.
Therefore, start creating your sports family by starting with yourself. Get rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol and overeating are not compatible with exercise.

Step 2
Do physical exercises with the preschooler, do not allow watching cartoons for a long time and sitting at the computer. In parallel with this, together with your spouse, go to the nearest sports complex, and find out which sections your child and yourself can attend. It's good if there is a pool there - you can go swimming with the whole family. Mom can sign up for fitness, and dad can join the volleyball team.

Step 3
Children will be happy to go to the gym with you, they often organize children's groups there, where the child actively spends time playing with peers under the supervision of a coach. When you all go home together feeling pleasantly tired and proud of yourself and your family, everyone you meet will envy you.

Step 4
Schools often hold sports competitions for students and their parents, where participants playfully and cheerfully pass all the tests. Be sure to take part in these fun. Your kids will be incredibly proud to have such athletic parents.
Fit and slender, with laughing children who will hug you tightly, you will win all competitions.

Step 5
There are also sports dynasties, where generation after generation chooses sport as a matter of their lives. These are isolated cases, and it is not difficult to accustom yourself to exercise. Each member of your family will support the other, will not let you be lazy and give up positions.
Do not let yourself relax, continue to set an example of a person who cares about the future of his children and their health. A family united by a common hobby is less prone to scandals.