How often you can hear the famous "tai-tai fly, play catch-up!" or "the sea is worried once"? From the outside, it seems that today's children are no longer the same. But if you think about it, once upon a time the generation of now adults seemed to be “not that one”. There is a normal development of society. The game is still relevant for children. Only the form changes, as progress dictates its conditions.

The modern child differs significantly from his own parents, this tendency is noticeable in everything - clothing, behavior, games, interests. Comparing what the children of the past, 20th century did, with today's games in the courtyards, one can find some common features, since there is continuity.
Previous games
Children of the 80s-90s generation spent almost all their time on the street. Most of the games were aimed at children of different ages, played by the whole yard from 5 to 15 years old. Probably, there is no person who does not remember the games: “Cossacks-robbers”, “Traffic light”, “Hot potato”, “Sifa”, “Bouncers”, “Day-night”, “Hali-Halo” and others.
The older guys had slingshots, the girls had rubber bands. They all played dolls, shop, bingo together, not to mention their favorite ball games. Even the girls played football. In the summer it was great to make tents, and in the winter to fill the ice slide. Such games made the yard children friendly and helped develop their imagination.
What changed?
Now children are not given the opportunity to come up with games on their own, since everything is already ready. Ready-made huts, plastic slingshots, "twister" and a huge variety of disks with computer games for every taste are on sale. Are the guys to blame for the fact that progress dictates its own terms of the game? This is not to say that all computer games are useless, of course, there are a number of educational and cognitive games, but they are unlikely to replace live communication with peers and fresh air on the street.
To distract a modern child from the computer, enroll him in the sports section. Such a solution will develop him physically and take time away from computer games.
Although not as often as before, many guys still play football, basketball, rollerblades, skateboards and bicycles, having fun discussing new applications for their trendy mobile phones. This is their happy childhood. Each generation has its own.
By example
How to "infect" children with a healthy passion for outdoor games? Only by playing with them! Going out into nature, teach your children those games that were so popular in your childhood, do not be afraid to become a child yourself, having fun from the heart. The more sincere your interest is, the more your child will fall in love with the new game and teach his friends. Only in this way, passing on from mouth to mouth our positive experience, we will make the world more beautiful and kinder.
Summer is the best time to play outside. Children who are sent to holiday camps know many games from the past.
Let our children grow and develop, keeping pace with modernity, but building a new one without remembering the old makes no sense.