How To Avoid Disagreement With The Older Generation

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How To Avoid Disagreement With The Older Generation
How To Avoid Disagreement With The Older Generation

Video: How To Avoid Disagreement With The Older Generation

Video: How To Avoid Disagreement With The Older Generation
Video: 5 Pieces of Advice for Dealing with Toxic People | Digital Original | Oprah Winfrey Network 2024, October

You can be as independent and successful as you want, but for parents we will always remain children. Even if we have an excellent relationship with our elders, we still encounter misunderstandings from time to time. At the same time, they stubbornly stand their ground and impose their point of view, which leads to disagreements.

No disagreement
No disagreement


In youth, we are all healthy and active, so we can easily endure everyday troubles. In old age, this stage of life seems to us a time when the grass was greener and the bread tastier. Therefore, it is not surprising that our parents are "stuck" in the memories of their youth. And the older they get, the more it manifests itself. To some extent, the past begins to interfere with the perception of rapidly changing reality. They get the impression that children (no matter how old they are) are doing everything wrong, and they are trying to teach them how to live.

· Parents are reluctant to accept most changes. This is especially true for the upbringing and feeding of children. Find articles for mom, written in simple language, where experts explain what is useful for the child and what is not. Watch the broadcasts of the central channels together - they are often more credible, then discuss them.

· Often, parents do not like to go to the clinic. Preferring traditional medicine and self-medication. It is useless to convince them, this can only aggravate the situation. Emphasize that when they are grabbed, you will be forced to drop everything and do them. Call an ambulance, go to pharmacies, sit by the bed. And this is all due to the fact that they did not seek help from a qualified specialist in time.

· Fried potatoes, pies and other goodies are possible, but sometimes. And when you start talking about it, the parents are outraged: "Before they ate - and nothing!". We'll have to convince, referring to dietitians, and lead stories of what causes high cholesterol and sugar.

Technical backwardness

Older people cannot keep up with rapidly advancing technology. They are afraid of modern technology and are afraid of doing something wrong. And sometimes they simply do not know about some possibilities, because of which they can be deceived by scammers.

· Refuse to use the dishwasher, believing that two plates can be washed by hand - do not argue. Better discuss how hard it used to be for women to live without mixers, vacuum cleaners, washing machines. This will lead them to believe that technology makes life easier. At first, help them master the miracle of invention, write detailed instructions. And you will not notice how happy they will use everything.

· To protect parents, introduce them to common methods of fraud. Before doing anything, let them make it a rule to call you.

With age, the ability to form new connections between neurons decreases. This leads to a decrease in memory, attention, physical activity. This, in turn, slows down the process of switching from one state to another and leads to irritability, resentment. If this is typical of your parents, then behave with them with restraint and consider every word.
