Even before a child is born, many parents fantasize about his future: what will be the character of their baby, what subjects he will like at school, what circles he will attend and what profession he will choose. And many children who have grown up want to meet their parental expectations.

The desire to meet parental expectations has a downside: you can, without noticing it, live a life that is not your own. Get an unnecessary specialty, work in an unloved job, enter into a relationship with the wrong person. Perhaps mom will be happy, but will it suit you yourself? When trying to please your parents, try not to hurt yourself.
Dreams of the impossible
Some parenting aspirations are not destined to come true, and that's okay. Mom dreamed that her daughter would be an artistic girl, learn to sing and dance beautifully, and the child was completely deaf. The father imagined how he would teach his son to plan on wood, but the child is absolutely incapable of such work and over and over again strives to cut off his finger. Children grow up thinner and less strong than their parents imagined, instead of angelic blond curls, they have coarse dark hair and, unlike their professor grandfather, they sometimes know nothing about trigonometry. If you are physically unable to accomplish something that your parents dream about, the best solution is to simply forget about it and not suffer from guilt, since you cannot change the situation.
Analyzing requests
Often, parents mentally paint the whole future life of the child. He must certainly go to school for one five, and then go to law. Do an internship in Germany. To marry a decent and wealthy person, and have time to do it before a certain age. In the event of disobedience, some fathers and mothers end up resigning to their child's choice, while others remind him at every opportunity that he is doing everything wrong, thereby upsetting them.
Take a break from parental attitudes and think about what you personally want. Will you be really happy working as a lawyer, or did you choose this specialty because your mom told you so? Do you want an early marriage or are you preparing for the wedding just because it is necessary, and it is not for you? It is likely that deviations from the intended plan will upset your parents, but you can try to find a compromise. For example, you enter the university you want yourself, but at the same time you go to English courses, because your dad dreamed that his daughter knew a foreign language perfectly.
We wish you happiness
Most parents do not really care what their child does. They want him to be healthy and happy, and they strive to bring him to that result. But they can only understand happiness in their own way. For them, it may consist in the work of a banker, in a wealthy husband, in an apartment in the city center. Reassure your mother and father that you are happy, have no shortage of funds and do not forget to eat vegetables as you walk your path, and they will surely be satisfied.