In traditional culture, the situation when several generations of one family lived together was normal. It was easier for a large family to ensure economic stability. But in the modern era, more and more people choose to live separately from their parents. When is it necessary to leave the parental home?

Step 1
The time of the beginning of an independent life is individual for each person. However, there are some prerequisites for this. It is advisable that you have some kind of independent income when you leave your parents' home. In this case, you will be able to build your life truly independently of others.
Step 2
Another important factor is your wishes and those of your parents. If you are comfortable living together for economic and emotional reasons, you can continue to live together long enough. In this case, you should not pay attention to social stereotypes, the main thing is that you and your family are satisfied with the current state of affairs.
Step 3
If you are already an adult, and there are regular conflicts between you and your parents on the basis of cohabitation, then it is better to separate before the onset of a crisis in the relationship. In this case, long distance relationships can improve significantly.
Step 4
If you decide to start your own family, that is, get married or get married, then in most cases it would be better for you to move to a separate home. Even if you have a very good relationship in your family, it is unlikely that such communication will be able to be established between your parents and your spouse. Living with family members can have a detrimental effect on your marriage, primarily due to problems with organizing a new family life. Intervention of parents in your relationship, which will be inevitable in the case of cohabitation, can also interfere with the formation of a new family.
Step 5
Psychologists do not name a certain exact age at which you need to move to your home. But it will be best if this period coincides with the beginning of your independent life in financial and personal spheres. In this case, your move should be the least painful for all family members, including you.