How To Learn To Leave Your Child At Home Alone

How To Learn To Leave Your Child At Home Alone
How To Learn To Leave Your Child At Home Alone

In the life of almost every family, there are times when there is no one to leave their children with. Of course, if this happens from time to time, then you can ask neighbors, friends, parents to look after the offspring, and if the absences are regular, for example, mom goes to work, how to cope then?

How to learn to leave your child at home alone
How to learn to leave your child at home alone

Naturally, it is strictly forbidden to leave a kindergarten child at home alone, but with younger students, everything is much easier, the main thing is to prepare yourself and prepare the child.

A couple of weeks before the expected day of going to work, you need to go all the way for the child from school to home together, let the child show pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, open and close doors on his own, and so on. After a few days, allow the child to walk on their own, staying a little further away and supervising his actions to make sure that the child can handle it.

Even preschoolers now have mobile phones. Teach your child to call back: when leaving class and when returning home. You can call up during the day or communicate through social networks. Be sure to warn that the child is always in touch: that is, the phone is turned on and charged.

Forbid communicating with strangers, getting into other people's cars, taking sweets and toys, and explain how to act in such cases (go back to school, go with a classmate's parents or teacher, older children with whom along the way). Be sure to tell that only very familiar people can open doors.

If there are people you trust in your neighborhood, ask them to visit your child occasionally.

To simplify the process of lunch and its preparation, you need to get a microwave, and leave the food poured or laid out on plates, then the child can warm it up himself. Don't let your child turn on the gas stove. To provide the child with hot tea, you can purchase a thermos or thermopot.

It is possible and necessary to brighten up the loneliness of a child at home; for this, provide him with paints, pencils, board games or books, depending on what he likes best.

Over time, you can give the student small assignments: for example, feed the cat, wash the dishes, clean the room, etc. For the work done around the house, do not forget to praise the baby.
