With the advent of a child, a woman's life changes dramatically - instead of the bustle of the office in the office, the day of a young mother is filled with worries about a new family member. Sometimes it takes a long time for a new way of life to become familiar. But sooner or later it’s time to return to work. At the same time, most women face difficulties, because during their absence, the composition of the team often changes, the latest technologies and rules are introduced. To avoid stress and easily re-master old work, you need to prepare for the return in advance.

Step 1
Decide in advance where and with whom the child will be while you are at work. You can leave him with his grandmother, hire a nanny, send him to kindergarten (public, private, home) - it's up to you. If you decide to hire a nanny for your child, then you should not be the last to find her, because this person will replace you, take care of your child, etc. If you want to send a child to a kindergarten, you need to find out the conditions for admission to this institution, as well as undergo a medical examination for the baby and so on. Perhaps it is worth going to kindergarten with the child for several days or leaving him for several hours so that he can get used to the new environment, to new people. If the child stays with the grandmother, then this also needs to be discussed in advance. In addition, prepare the child himself for the fact that now the mother will work, and he will spend time with other people.
Step 2
The management of your company must also be notified of your desire to go to work in advance - preferably about a month before the expected exit. Especially if you want to leave earlier than the parental leave under 3 years old ends. In this case, you should write an appropriate application for employment. You can meet with your boss in person to discuss the specifics of moving to your previous or new position. Show management that you are happy to go out again and return to an active lifestyle.
Step 3
Connect with work colleagues. While you were on maternity leave, a lot has probably changed, including as part of the team. Find out what's new in the organization of work, what literature you should read so that when you go to work you keep up with the team and are aware of everything that is happening.
Step 4
Prepare for your new lifestyle in advance. Try to get up earlier, as if you need to go to work, pay attention to how long it takes you to get ready yourself, and prepare everything you need for the child and the rest of the family. Go away for a long time during the day, return at a time in which you will return after work. This will make it easier for you to determine what is best to do before work and what is after.